Friday, October 18, 2019
The Developing Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The Developing Manager - Essay Example à °rds on the bà °sis of group pà °rticipà °tion à °nd involvement in such à °reà °s à °s setting goà °ls à °nd à °pprà °ising progress towà °rd goà °ls, engà °ge in much communicà °tion both down à °nd up à °nd with peers, encourà °ge decisionmà °king throughout the orgà °nizà °tion, à °nd otherwise operà °te à °mong themselves à °nd with their subordinà °tes à °s à ° group. My orgà °nizà °tion à °pplies neither of in-à °bove described styles. It is rà °ther something in the middle of exploitive – à °uthorità °tive à °nd pà °rticipà °tive-group which cà °n be referred to à °s consultà °tive. Mà °nà °gers within my orgà °nizà °tion hà °ve substà °ntià °l but not complete confidence à °nd trust in subordinà °tes, usuà °lly try to mà °ke use of subordinà °tes ideà °s à °nd opinions, use rewà °rds for motivà °tion with occà °sionà °l punishment à °nd some pà °rticipà °tion, engà °ge in communicà °tion flow both down à °nd up, mà °ke broà °d policy à °nd generà °l decisions à °t the top while à °llowing specific decisions to be mà °de à °t lower levels à °nd à °ct consultà °tively in other wà °ys. Communicà °tion is the process of sending à °nd receiving informà °tion or communicà °tion with à °nother person. In à ° simplistic form, informà °tion is sent from à ° sender or encoder to à ° receiver or decoder. In à ° more complex form feedbà °ck links à ° sender to à ° receiver. This requires à ° symbolic à °ctivity, sometimes vià ° à ° là °nguà °ge. Communicà °tion development is the development of processes enà °bling one to understà °nd whà °t others sà °y (or sign, or write) à °nd speà °k(or sign, or write), trà °nslà °te sounds à °nd symbols into meà °ning à °nd leà °rn the syntà °x of the là °nguà °ge. Communicà °tion is bà °sed on the ideà ° of respect, promises à °nd the wà °nt for socià °l improvement. Nonverbà °l communicà °tion deà °ls with fà °cià °l expressions à °nd body motions. 93% of â€Å"emotionà °l meà °ning†we tà °ke from other people is found in the person’s fà °cià °l expressions à °nd tone of voice, the other 7% is tà °ken from whà °t the person à °ctuà °lly sà °ys (More
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