Saturday, December 28, 2019
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Rap Music And Hip Hop - 1560 Words
â€Å"Gangsta rap†has been around since the late 1980s, and has been categorized as a specific type of hip hop. Reflecting the violent lifestyles of many black American youths living within the inner cities of the West and East coast, gangsta rap became a voice. The genre reflected on and spoke about the harsh realities of what life for a black person during the 1980s. One of the most prominent rap names during this era that became the voice for many people throughout the nation was the N.W.A (Niggaz Wit Attitude) rap group. Originally from the streets of Compton, California, these teenagers decided to take on a risk, tackling the music industry head on, publishing their own works that spoke out against corruption. The creation of hip hop’s sub genre, â€Å"gangsta rap†during the late 1980s not only sparked widespread controversy, but also gave black communities a prominent identity within their hip hop movement of the arts; it offered the nation an understandi ng of the â€Å"black struggle†through lyrics and went against established culture. â€Å"Hip Hop is the only genre of music that allows us to talk about almost anything.†(Flash. Foreword) Dating back to the late 1970s, hip hop originated within predominantly African-American neighborhoods. The youth, who resided in communities throughout the South Bronx, sparked a movement and developed a culture within this genre that has had a lasting effect for decades. What made this genre an aspect of everyday life for these New YorkShow MoreRelatedHip Hop And Rap Music1699 Words  | 7 PagesHip-hop is a cultured style that started in the 1970’s. Majority of different funk groups began playing disco music at that time it was popular. During this time funk music was technology driven more electronic sounds were being used on the drum machines. Funk was the new dance in the early 70’s. This particular style of singing in which was being used is called rapping, this begun in African American, Urban Areas, Jamaican American, Latino American and many other s cities of the United States. TheRead MoreRap Music : Hip Hop Essay1509 Words  | 7 PagesRap, or hip hop as some call it, ranks in the top ten of most popular music genres in the world. Since it burst on the scene in the late 1970s, rap music changed the landscape of the music industry, especially for African-American artists. The genre accredited some of the biggest names in the music industry. Popular artists like LL Cool J, Tupac, Notorious B. I. G., Jay-Z, Kanye West, and many others produce, or have produced, millions of hip-hop records. The secret to the success of hip hop centersRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music Essay1941 Words  | 8 Pagesincreased presence of hip-hop culture within American culture, many educators no longer view hip-hop culture with the same air of skepticism common in the early stages of HHBE.†Hip Hop Based Education also referred to as HHBE is movement that helps bring hip hop into the classroom.(USE THAT SOURCE HERE) HHBE has many positive and influential outcomes for children living in inner cities. Hip hop music has categories and one of them is rap. By bringing hip hop and rap music into schools it servesRead MoreHip Hop And Hip Rap Music1144 Words  | 5 PagesHip hop music has delivered messages of freedom of expression, unity, peace, and protest against social injustices, for the past 30 years. But exactly when and where did it begin, and what impact has it had on our society? The hip hop beats created by DJs in the 70s actually sparked what is now known as hip hop culture. Hip hop culture originally included rapping, break dancing, graffiti, beat boxing, and looping and scratching, and has now includes urban clothing and cars, speech patterns and slangRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music1584 Words  | 7 PagesHip hop music is one of the most popular genres in present time that rose to prominence in the 1980’s. The hip hop genre was born in the African American community and has since then changed into what it is today. What most individuals don’t know is that originally rap music did not contain such explicit themes as it does now; such as misogyny, drugs, crime, and violence among others. Many people may wonder what led to the introduction of such themes into rap music and why they remained popular.Read MoreHip Hop And Rap Music1505 Words  | 7 PagesSwiss Hip Hop and Rap According to Michael Dyson and Wikipedia, Hip hop music and Hip Hop culture formed during the 1970s when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City. The genre became home to and was developed by African American youth residing in the Bronx. Block parties involved DJs playing very percussive breaks of popular songs Then Rapping developed as the primary vocal style of the genre. Hip hop s early evolution occurred as sampling technology and drum-machines becameRead MoreHip Hop And Hip Rap Music2527 Words  | 11 Pagesstudy of hip hop music has been cited well throughout its growth over time. The purpose of this paper is intended to discuss hip hop culture and address cultural stereotypes associated with rap and hip-hop music, but also how its original lyrical intentions were forms of expression and art. It will begin by guiding the reader through how it originated, its influence with the African-Americans with its subculture and popularity in urban areas, its styles of evolving, the introduction of hip hop and rapRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music1527 Words  | 7 PagesHip Hop is also known as rap music, it was a genre formed in the United States in the 1970s that consists of stylized rhythmic music that commonly follows by rap music. Rap music is rhyming speeches that are chanted. It is a popular style of music that is developed by disc jockeys and urban black people in the late 1970s. It starts off with rhyming beat patterns in the background. It had all began in the Bronx of New York City, with urban men creating words that rhyme on the corner of their blockRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music904 Words  | 4 PagesHip-Hop/rap music receives the harshest criticism in the music industry. This is because listeners of hip-hop music don’t fully understand the message that the artist is trying to portray. Behind all the vulgar verses is actually a message that the artist wants to listener to know about. Most people don’t listen to hip- hop music because of how they see the artist illustrating their self. Many artists create music based off of his or her background and life growing up. Hip-hop music has a negativeRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music1628 Words  | 7 Pages In today’s generation there are many types of music. But a genre that stands out into day’s age is hip hop. This genre has become a major type of music that fluencies many people today. Music is something that always has been a part of civilization since the beginning of time. Some of the earliest forms of music one will find historically are in the bible. Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; (palms 98:4) just like this verse there are many verses in the
Friday, December 20, 2019
What Bipolar I Disorder ( Bd ) - 1529 Words
Introduction When people are asked what bipolar I disorder (BD) is, responses often include, â€Å"Sometimes they’re really normal and then they get super mad,†â€Å"drastic mood swings,†â€Å"they’re psychotic,†â€Å"one can be very happy and excited but can also experience depression,†and the list is endless. Often, individuals who suffer with BD are stigmatized and discriminated. The following piece is part of a poem called â€Å"You and Me†written by Debbie Sesula, â€Å"...If you get angry /You’re considered upset/ If I get angry/ I’m considered dangerous. /If you over-react to something/ You’re sensitive/ If I over-react to something/ I’m out of control†¦Ã¢â‚¬ BD is not well understood by society and it is unfortunate that individuals who have this disorder often isolate themselves and feel ashamed. Definition and Characteristics â€Å"The essential feature of a manic episode is a distinct period during which there is an abnormally, persistently elevated, expansive irritable mood and persistently increased activity or energy that is present for most of the day, nearly every day, for a period of at least one week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary), accompanied by at least three additional symptoms from Criterion B. If the mood is irritable rather than elevated or expansive, at least four criterion B symptoms must be present,†states the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-V) when classifying BD. There areShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Research on Bipolar Disorder1673 Words  | 7 Pagescity it strives for order and efficiency. However a patient with Bipolar Disorder has a very chaotic type of brain function; causing changes in mood and sometimes suicidal thoughts Bipolar Disorder is a common psychiatric mood disorder that is defined by recurrent episodes of abnormally elevated mood and depression, changes in energy and, the ability to carry out day to day tasks. (Joel, Jakosson and colleges) â€Å"Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a chronic disease with high risk of relapse. This disease alsoRead MoreHow The Mind Works At A Young Age?1545 Words  | 7 PagesI first became interested in how the mind works at a young age. An introspective and deep thinker, I would take inventory of the people around me and the way they behaved. I assessed why a certain reaction may have occurred between two parties, whether the reaction was positive or negative. Replaying scenarios in my head, like Sherlock Holmes, became more prolific as the term â€Å"manic depression†came into my life. Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, became a topic of regular conversationRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Its Effects861 Words  | 4 PagesBipolar disord er is caused, in part, by factors of nature. In short, bipolar disorder is caused by factors of genetics, heredity, factors that are inherent to who we are. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a â€Å"neuropsychiatric disorder†¦characterized by recurrent episodes of depression and mania or hypomania†(Bavamian et al., 2015. p. 573). The study conducted by Bavamian et. al., asserts that there are in fact microRNAs (miRNAs) which regulate gene expression. In individuals with BD, they expression of miR-34aRead MoreBipolar And Related Disorders : Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1669 Words  | 7 PagesBipolar and related disorders are lifelong perplexing mental illnesses that are difficult to diagnose and treat. Bipolar illness is a chronic shifting of extreme euphoria (mania) and deep sadness or hopelessness (depressive) episodes, complicated by comorbidities and the potential for poor health outcomes. The occurrence of bipolar disorder (BD) throughout the adult populatio n in the United States is reported to be approximately 5.7 million people each year, with a lifetime prevalence of 3.9 percentRead MoreMajor Types Of Major Depressive Disorder ( Mdd ) Essay927 Words  | 4 PagesMajor Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental disorder characterized by behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that include but are not limited to the loss of pleasure or interest in activities (anhedonia), sleep disturbances, appetite changes, guilt or worthlessness, fatigue, lack of concentrating and/or indecisiveness including emotion dysregulation (mood swings) and views of the negative affect. People with MDD have five or more depressive symptoms, including sad mood or loss of pleasureRead MoreBipolar I Disorder ( Bd )976 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper focuses on bipolar I disorder, previously known as manic-depressive illness. It includes the definition and characteristics, neurobiology and pathophysiology, psychological and environmental factors about the d isorder. There is also a brief description about nursing interventions. Next, two evidence-based research papers will be presented. Additionally, there will be a summary on two audiovisual films that focused on bipolar I disorder. Lastly, there is a brief discussion about personalRead MoreBipolar Disorders : Bipolar Disorder Essay905 Words  | 4 PagesBipolar Disorder effect a vast majority of society; unfortunately, a large number of people are unaware that they are Bipolar. They simple think that it is just the ups and downs of everyday life. There is also a number of people who have been misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder who are not and are being treat for a disease they do not have. Most likely they have some other disorder but the doctor did not take the time to accurately diagnose their patient. For instance, my grandmother on my father’sRead MoreHow Trauma Affects Coping : A Brazilian Study Of Twenty One Female Bipolar Patients1712 Words  | 7 PagesHow Tr auma Affects Coping A Brazilian study of thirty-one female Bipolar patients, using the Child Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), Ways of Coping Questionnaire, and Brief COPE, investigated the effect trauma had on coping and bipolar disorder. Of the participants, 80% of reported during childhood they had experienced emotional abuse, 68% reported physical abuse, 63% reported physical neglect. Emotional neglect was reported in 43% of individuals, 27% reported sexual abuse. (Daruy-Filho, Brietzke, Kluwe-SchiavonRead MoreThe Impact Of Bipolar Disorder On The Development Of Self793 Words  | 4 PagesI found the article, â€Å"I Actually Don’t Know Who I am†: The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on the Development of Self†(2008), by Inder, M., Corwoe., M.,T., Moor, S., Luty, S. E., Carter, J.D., and Joyce, P. R to be very interesting and very much needed. The research explored how one’s sense of self is impacted by the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (BD) at an early age. As seen in the study, the diagnosis had a major impact on the participant’s sense of identity and self worth. There was four major problemRead MoreTaking a Look at Bipolar Disorder1363 Words  | 6 Pagesmany mental disorders that effect how a person and the person body interpret information and respond to the world. Bipolar disorder is a commonly known disorder that effects a fair amount of people today. It is a disorder that varies in degree and most people can learn how to live with and have a good life. This paper will discuss in more detail what Bipolar is and how it effects a person body physically, neurologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Bipolar is a mental disorder that anyone
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The American Dream - 988 Words
The things we wish to see, reach, and experience in this life never really come into full motion. That is why life can be classified as a sad carapace on our exteriors as people. Realistically we attempt to better ourselves, looking for new opportunities to advance in job market; with aspirations to move up in the social hierarchy. Thought realities continue to show how frail we are as individuals. However, should this be the premise our break-point, to give up, throw in the towel? If so than I am quite sure humanity and this ideal notion of the American dream is a thing of the past. Why should individuals even brother attending school, starting a family, and obtaining a job? Has this really become the norm? Without a job and without money from said job it would practically be impossible to survive. Unless you are being supported by family member or your family is wealthy, but unlike wealthy families working class families still struggle. As human beings, with the knowledge we posses s today how can we allow for that burden to be placed on our loved ones. The thing is we can’t, but the question we have to ask ourselves: are we to become drones working two to three jobs to make ends meet? This is also unacceptable, but this is the only choice that’s viable, sometimes in life its do or die: a concept life has delved onto individuals since the beginning of time. Still the optimist in me believes we can become more than just working drones in a society that favors the rich. UnityShow MoreRelatedImmigrants And The American Dream1362 Words  | 6 PagesImmigrants and the American Dream In the article â€Å"The American Dream†, by James Truslow Adams in The Sundance Reader book, he stated that the American dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and highRead MoreThe American Dream By Kimberly Amadeo1637 Words  | 7 PagesNowadays, a large number of people migrate to the United States to work and achieve the American Dream. According to the Article â€Å"What is the American Dream?†by Kimberly Amadeo, â€Å"The American Dream was first publicly defined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams in Epic of America. Adam’s often-repeated quote is, ‘The American Dream is that dream of land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyon e, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.’†There are many peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The American Dream 754 Words  | 4 Pages Nyreel Powell Ms. Jones American Literature 1 June 2015 The American dream in A Raisin in the Sun Have you ever had a dream and it didn’t come how you wanted it to be? Have you ever had accomplishments that you wanted to achieve but people were getting in the way of them? The four main characters in this book all have good dreams but there are people in the way of getting to those dreams or their dream is too high to accomplish. A Raisin in the Sun a play written by Lorraine Hansberry, andRead MoreSister Carrie and the American Dream1618 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Dream is surely based on the concept of â€Å"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness†but it is above all, a matter of ambition. James Truslow Adams, an American writer and historian, in 1931 states: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†, which not only points towards a better standard of living for Americans but also denounces a degree of greed in the US society. Ambition not only â€Å"killed the catâ₠¬ butRead MoreGrapes Of Wrath And The American Dream1644 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of the American Dream is ever changing depending on the person and the time of life that person is in. Although the main ideas of the American Dream remain the same to be educated, economically sound, healthy, to have a family, and equal rights. Many great films and works of literature were created to show case all the different ideas people have for their American Dream. The film â€Å"Grapes of Wrath†directed by John Ford and the poem â€Å"I Will Fight No More Forever†by Chief Joseph, both depictRead More Destruction of the American Dream Essay2145 Words  | 9 PagesDestruction of the American Dream I’ve talked about it in the past, the destruction of the American Dream. Always, there have been papers, writings, and thoughts that quantify a particular section of its ultimate demise, be it due to money, education, or sexuality. Maybe the destruction cannot be viewed as a singular event or cause. Perhaps instead it must be examined as a whole process, the decay and ultimate elimination of a dream. Self destruction, if you will†¦ Mr. Self Destruct Read MoreSuccess As One Of The American Dream1137 Words  | 5 PagesApril 2015 Success as One of The American Dream When we hear the word â€Å"success†, we often think of wealth and money. To some people, the embodiment of being success is earning a lot of money. In fact, the concept of success is primarily based on how much money a person earns. However, each person views the definition of success differently. One way to define success is something that has more to do with flash than it does with substance. John Wooden, an American basketball player and coach viewRead MoreJim Cullen And The American Dream2081 Words  | 9 Pages The American Dream, as defined by Cullen, is starting your goal off with a little and ending with more; it s like a business, you invest in it in order to gain more money. Usually, people will define the American Dream as being able to achieve your goal because everyone is offered opportunities. Cullen does acknowledge that people are born with different opportunities, so he talks about the good life. The good life describes different factors that determine your opportunities. Throughout the otherRead MoreFactors Influencing The American Dream1834 Words  | 8 Pagesindividual to succumb or to not succumb to the seductions of crime. These three factors are brilliantly portrayed in the television show, Breaking Bad and the novel, The Stick Up Kids. The American Dream is what many American citizens strive for. However, not all of those citizens are able to achieve the American Dream through a legal pathway. The reason an indivudal may not being able to do so is because of his or her background factors. It is important to note that background factors are a fractionRead MoreShark Tank And The American Dream1755 Words  | 8 PagesShark Tank and The American Dream The TV show Shark tank embodies everything the American dream represents. The show obtains successful Entrepreneurs ready to invest their own money into other Americans wanting to be just like them, reaching the American dream and become a successful entrepreneur. The show presents entrepreneurs working towards the goal of creating a business to not only gain wealth but also change the way we live today. The show is to keep the American dream alive and well while
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Freeganism Dumpster Diving free essay sample
Who would have thought that people would resort to â€Å"dumpster diving†as a means of filling their bellies? It turns out freeganism, dumpster diving, is the result of years of protest against big business and is a logical way to help reduce consumer waste. Freegans are people who â€Å"use alternative ways of living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources†(What Is A Freegan? 2008). Freeganism is the â€Å"summation of multiple ideologies and movements, and is a total boycott of all economic systems†(What Is A Freegan? 008). Freegan strategies include â€Å"waste reclamation, waste minimization, eco-friendly transportation, rent-free housing, going green, and working less†(What Is A Freegan? 2008). According to the Freeganism Documentary, every year in Britain â€Å"seventeen to twenty million tons of food is wasted, and that twenty million tons represents one third of all food in Britain†(Hull 2009). â€Å"That one third of food would be enough to feed thirty million malnourished people around the world†(Hull 2009). In an experiment, Hull teams up with three British freegans named Paul, Ulrike, and Alan to better understand freeganism. The three British freegans have dedicated their lives to fighting waste by using as little money as possible and living almost entirely on wasted food (Hull 2009). They estimate that eighty percent of their food is from waste. They also do not receive any money from the British government. Paul, Ulrike, and Alan also â€Å"go out on the street and talk about freegan ideas to anyone who will listen and give them literature on the subject, and their motto is ‘living on less’ †(Hall 2009). Within the experiment, Hall spent a week as a Freegan and he did it without spending any money on food or help from friends of family. On night one, he dressed up in all black for his first food bin raid. He found two bags of rolls, a box of grapes, a small package of veggies, two gas station sandwiches, and a cheese and tomato pizza. In Hall’s own words, he expressed his own dissatisfaction with freeganism by saying he â€Å"clearly wasn’t going to starve but wasn’t going to have much fun either†(Hall 2009). He also signed up on a website called freecycle. com where he could barter items posted in ads much like Craigslist. He actually posted a wanted ad for food waste and came up with some potatoes and sausage that he picked up from a lady at her house. On the second day, he conducted a day raid on some commercial grocery stores and found that several stores had locked food bins. He talked to several of the store managers and found out that vandalism and contaminated foods were the culprits to blame for the locked bins. On day three, the subject of use by dates and sell by dates was a big issue. He interviewed an ex Starbucks employee and found out when they took out the trash, employees had to take food out of the packages for recycling and to prevent people from collecting out of date food. Also, health and safety standards do not allow the out of date food to be given out and they had to comply with the rules. Basically it was to ensure that they would not be held responsible for a homeless person going through their bins, getting sick, and suing a multi-billion dollar company. On day five, he realized that he could not have completed raiding bins without a car. The bins he had been raiding were far too spread out for a homeless person to walk to all in one day. Then he began to contemplate if a homeless person were to come by after he had already been there, would they have food to eat? On day six of the experiment, Hall begins to question other sources like buying locally sourced foods, but he came to the conclusion that it would be far too expensive for a middle class individual to buy that kind of food every day. He also stopped by a local benefit concert were he interviewed a spokeswomen for Fare share. Fare share is an organization that distributes food to local food banks, offers training for industry skills, and promotes â€Å"no food should be wasted†(Hall 2009). On the last day, he winds up going into supermarket and asking for food to no avail. In conclusion to the experiment, Hall says that while the â€Å"idealology of freeganism highlights the fact that we are taking food out of hungry countries only to throw it into bins†, it doesn’t solve the overall problem head on (Hall 2009). Organizations like Fare share do not apply with freeganism but in does have freeganistic characteristics, and is better suited for a more realistic and conservative approach. In my own words, freeganism is another excuse to live an extremely radical life outside of modern society. I understand that freegans want to reduce, reuse, and recycle but the fact of the matter is that they will not change six billion people’s minds. They have to understand that if it wasn’t for ass production in the first place, they would not be able to practice Freeganism. They have to have respect for the world we all live in and it seems to me that they are just like every liberal approach to a problem it’s extreme! In some of the responses to the Freeganism Documentary, most people seem inclined to test or try the freegan ways. Freeganism is a positive influence in our society but some of the ways British freegans applied it seemed to have a negative tone towards other people .
Monday, December 9, 2019
Corporation Law Appleman on Insurance Law
Question: Discuss about the Corporation Law for Appleman on Insurance Law. Answer: 1(a): Jane went overseas and while going she offered her Lotus Super 7 to Jack. The market value of the car in good condition is 25000 dollars. Jack accepted the offer. Relying on the facts stated, the issue that arises here is, whether an enforceable agreement exists between Jane and Jack or not? For existence of a valid contract, it is important that the necessary elements of a legal contract be fulfilled. Of all the existing elements of a valid contract, consideration is one of the most important elements that should be fulfilled (Deakin and Morris 2012). Consideration is the benefit that one of the parties to the contract receives in exchange of a deal. For example, A offers B a computer at 500 dollars. B accepts. In this case, A is the offeror and B is the offeree. B being the offeree shall pay the amount of consideration to A at the time of buying the computer. A contract without consideration is no contract at all (Furmston, Cheshire and Fifoot 2012). This means that a contract in which consideration is absent is a non-enforceable contract in the eyes of law. A contract in which consideration is absent is sometimes referred to as gratuitous consideration or gift and the contract becomes non-enforceable in Court. A gratuitous consideration is a consideration that cannot be recovered on any injury, loss or inconvenience to the other party (Appleman et al. 2015). In the case of, Thomas v. Thomas, it was held that a contract between two people in which consideration is gratuitous in nature then such a contract is not enforceable. Thus, it can be held that the contract that existed between Jane and Jack is not enforceable as the consideration in their contract is gratuitous in nature (Hudson 2012). 1(b): Jane offered Jack her Lotus Super 7 for 25000 dollars. The market value of the car in good condition is 25000 dollars. Jack accepted the offer. Based on the facts, the issue that arises here is, whether an enforceable agreement exists between Jane and Jack or not? To make a contract legal, enforceable and binding in the eyes of law, it is important that the legal formalities be fulfilled. The following are the requisites to make a contract legally binding and enforceable in the eyes of law: Offer Acceptance Legal Competency Consideration Absence of fraud or coercion Offer means an offer or a promise that is made by the offeror in return for consideration of the promise made. Acceptance means agreeing to the consideration to be paid to the offeror by the offeree and also agreeing for the promise that is to be paid by the offeree (Burrows 2016). Consideration means price paid by the offeree to the offeror in return of some promise or service (Burrows, Todd and Finn 2012). In the given case study, Jane was the offeror and Jack was the offeree. Jane makes the offer to Jack to sell his car for 25000 dollars as consideration price. Hence, it may be held that the legal formality of offer, acceptance and consideration was completed as part of the formation of contract. The case study shows no reflection of the fact that the contract was induced by coercion or fraud. Thus, it may be concluded that a legal, enforceable and valid contract existed between Jane and Jack. In case of breach of contract, any of the parties may file a suit against the other for enforcing the contractual rights as stated in the terms and conditions of the contract. 1(c): Jane offers to sell Jack her Lotus Super 7 sports car for 2500 dollars. However, the market value of the car is 25000 dollars. Jack accepted the offer of Jane. Based on the facts, the issue that arises here is, whether the consideration on which the contract is based is sufficient or not? The contract law lays no restriction on the parties to the contract as long as all the necessary requisites of the valid contract are fulfilled. As per the general rule, the offeror calculates the amount of consideration and demands the price from the promise based on feasible and understandable calculation (Swain 2013). The reason why the promisor does the calculation is that he shall receive the price that is paid in return of the goods or services that is offered. The offeree or the promisee does not have the power and authority to decide the amount of consideration; however, he may bargain the price of consideration if he thinks that the price is not sufficient (McKendrick 2014). Sufficient consideration is a consideration that is deemed by law to be of value in to support a normal contract between parties (Davies 2016). In the landmark judgement decided by Lord Somervell, in the year 1959, in the case of Chappel v. Nestle it was held that even a peppercorn could be regarded as a valuable and and valid consideration as it sufficient enough if the promisor or the offeror has measured it and agreed for the same (Swain 2015). Thus, if a consideration is a stipulation of the promisor it shall be regarded as valid unless the consideration is not unlawful. Moreover, it is important that the consideration should be of some value in the eyes of law. It is often seen that a good consideration is illusionary in nature and it should not be a mere illusion it should be good in reality (Hoeben, Hayes and Domingos 2014). Similarly, in the given case study, it may held that consideration offered by Jane to Jack was valid and valuable in the eyes of law as Jane herself calculated the amount of consideration and per se the amount of consideration was not unlawful. Thus, a valid and enforceable contract existed between Jane and Jack. 2: A contract was formed between the shipbuilder and the buyer for building a tanker for North Ocean Tankers. The consideration of the contract was in US dollars and it contained no provisions regarding issues pertaining to currency changes. While the builder was halfway on its construction, the US dollars devalued by 10 percent. Since the builder realized that he was making a loss in the contract, it demanded for the lag in the amount of consideration and stated it would not proceed with the construction of the work. The buyer at that time agreed to pay extra. However, the buyer commenced an action against the builder only after nine months of the delivery of the tanker. Depending on the facts stated in the case study above, the issue that arises here is whether, the buyer will be successful in recovering the excess or not? As per the traditional definition of consideration, it means benefit that is obtained by the promisor at the detriment of the promise (Bagchi 2013). This is regarded as the best way to make a contract enforceable. A mere promise becomes illegal if it is not guided by consideration. In the case of Currie v. Misa, it was held that a consideration to be valuable it should consist of some right or interest for the advantage of one party causing detriment to the other party (Palmer 2013). However, this definition is not complete and sufficient on the grounds that it is not a complete definition. In the case of Stilk v. Myrick, two sailors abandoned the ship during the voyage to London and the captain promised them to share their wages between the crew if they agreed to continue with the voyage. However, the Captain failed to keep up with his promise (Crawford 2015). The case of Stilk v. Myrick can be differentiated with the case of Hartley v. Ponsonby, wherein the Court held that a promise to pay extra could be made enforceable only if legal benefit is identified. In the landmark case of Universe Tankships Inc of Monrovia v. International Transport Workers Federation, the plaintiff filed a suit against the defendant for recovery of the amount that he paid in extra to the defendant at the time when he demanded for it. The defendant used duress and threatened the plaintiff that he would not release the ship unless the plaintiff agreed to pay the extra amount that the plaintiff demanded. At the time when the defendant demanded the money, he agreed to pay the same; however, late r the plaintiff filed a suit for recovery and he won the case as the defendant used economic duress to get the amount of consideration from the plaintiff (Finch and Fafinski 2016). Similarly, in the case of Williams v. Roffey Bros and Nicholas (Contractors) Ltd, the issue was related to the use of economic duress and invocation of doctrine of consideration. In the given case, an agreement was formed between the principal contractor and the sub contractor. The initial amount of consideration of the contract was 20000 pounds. The contract was related to do some kind of carpentry work. On a later date, the sub contractor realized that the contract for consideration was not sufficient and he demanded the same from the plaintiff. The principal contractor agreed to pay the amount in excess, as he was afraid of the penalty that he may have to pay for causing delay in the work of the sub contractor. Later the principal contractor filed a suit against the sub contractor for recovery of the a mount in excess. He succeeded as the Court held that the contract was induced with economic duress making the consideration void (McLauchlan 2015). In the case study of North Ocean Waters as well, there was likelihood that the North Ocean Tankers might suffer a loss if the builder denied construction of the same. Thus, in this case the doctrine of economic duress and consideration was invoked. In this case, there was formation of two contracts, one contract was between the tanker and the builder containing the original price of consideration without having the provision of currency fluctuations and the second contract wherein the builder demanded extra amount of the consideration. Like it was held in the case of Universe Tankships Inc. of Monrovia v International Transport Workers Federation and Williams v Roffey Bros Nicholls (Contractors) Ltd that a contract which has involvement of economic duress shall be deemed as void and plaintiff may recover the amount he paid in excess of the agreement. In the likewise manner, the plaintiff in this case may also file a suit for recovery of the amount he had to pay to the builder out of fear (Mitchell 2013). Economic duress makes a contract void if it is proven that a party to the contract entered into the contract as he lacked in sufficient options for some other recourse. Economic duress means involvement of wrongful threat or an unlawful action forcing the other party to remain in the contractual obligation (Deakin and Morris 2012). An agreement can be declared void if the party is able to prove his innocence by providing substantial evidence that he was forced to form contract with some other party. The contract should be an outcome of induced threat and action. The case of Siboen led to formation of doctrine of economic duress. The Privy Council in this case held that if any contract is made under the influence of economic duress the contract should be deemed as void making the doctrine useless (Furmston, Cheshire and Fifoot 2012). Conclusively, it may be stated that in the given case study as well, there was use of economic duress with the help of existence of two contracts. In the first contract, an initial amount of consideration was set while in the second contract there was existence of economic duress making the initial contract void. Thus, the buyer has all rights to file a suit for recovery of amount that he paid in excess to the shipbuilder. References: Appleman, J.A., Appleman, J. and Holmes, E.M., 2015.Excuses for Nonpayment and Defenses to Actions for Premiums(Vol. 5). Appleman on Insurance Law and Practice. Bagchi, A., 2013. Perspective of Law on Contract, The.Wash. L. Rev.,88, p.1227. Burrows, A., 2016.A Restatement of the English Law of Contract. Oxford University Press. Burrows, J.F., Todd, S.M. and Finn, J., 2012.Law of contract in New Zealand. LexisNexis NZ. Crawford, B., 2015. Bank of Montreal v. Marcotte:" Exclusive" Federal Financial Consumer Protection Law and the Role of the Law of Contract.Banking Finance Law Review,30(2), p.345. Davies, P.S., 2016.JC Smith's the Law of Contract. Oxford University Press. Deakin, S.F. and Morris, G.S., 2012.Labour law. Hart publishing. Finch, E. and Fafinski, S., 2016.Law Express: Contract Law. Pearson Higher Ed. Ng, I., 2014. The law of contract damages [Book Review].Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, (Dec 2014), p.452. Furmston, M.P., Cheshire, G.C. and Fifoot, C.H.S., 2012.Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's law of contract. Oxford University Press. Hoeben, A., Hayes, S. and Domingos, M., 2014. Ubuntu and the law: a trend in judgements: contract law.Without Prejudice,14(8), pp.46-47. Hudson, A., 2012.The law on financial derivatives. Sweet Maxwell. McKendrick, E., 2014.Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK). McLauchlan, D., 2015. The lingering confusion and uncertainty in the law of contract interpretation.Available at SSRN 2653500. Mitchell, C., 2013.Contract Law and Contract Practice: Bridging the Gap Between Legal Reasoning and Commercial Expectation. Bloomsbury Publishing. Palmer, T., 2013. UQ Library Guides: Contract Law: Get started. Swain, W., 2013. Lawyers, merchants, and the law of contract in the long eighteenth century. Swain, W., 2015.The Law of Contract 16701870. Cambridge University Press.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Speech President of the United States and Vice President free essay sample
President of the United States and Vice President BY kayaks Carry Roasts Student Council Speech Hello class of 2014, my name is Carry Roasts and Im running for the position of vice president. I made the decision to run for this because I believe that I can make the smart choices that our class needs. I have many qualities that fit this position. Such as, I am very easy to work with. And to be a vice president you must be able to work tit other people and be very open to different ideas.In addition, you must be creative with your ideas. Not only must you be able to think outside the box, but make sure that people like your ideas. Finally, I am open for change. Even if I dont agree, but my other classmates think its the right thing to do, I will find a way to agree with them and make the best of it. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech: President of the United States and Vice President or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I believe that myself along with Collins Albrecht will make a good team. I think this because we get along very easily.We also have a very similar outlook on things, so there will be no debating between us. Like Thomas Edison once said, if we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves. I know that I am able to be a good vice president and if you believe that I am capable of helping the president with the Job of leading the freshman class of 2014, I would appreciate your vote for me. Thank you.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Working Like an Elephant Eating Like an Ant Essay Example
Working Like an Elephant Eating Like an Ant Paper Soga Fajimi Dr. Matos 15 October 2010 English 101 Working Like an Elephant, Eating Like an Ant Where there is no law there can never be sin. In the same scale where there are two or more witnesses the truth shall be established, Human rights describe equal rights and freedom for everybody by the fact of being human and without distinction of any kind of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions. However, many people have always suffered from the lack of them throughout history. In fact, the lack of human rights has a lot of effects on people lives. In Up Against Wal-Mart, Karen Olsson describes unacceptable ways by which Wal-Mart treat their employee while Sebastian Mallaby in â€Å"Progressive Wal-Mart. Really†views same company as a savior to the poor and low income families. We can see the pro and con from both sides. Threatening employee from forming union, violation of the equal pay law, zero payment for overtime, paying below the minimum wage, rub Paul to pay Apollo. To see whether the Wal-Mart reaction against its employee from joining the union is wrong or right, we need to know the definition or what the labor union stand for. Labor union is an association of workers that seeks to improve the economic and social well-being of its members through group action. A labor union represents its members in negotiations with an employer regarding all the terms and conditions of an employment contract. These negotiations are called collective bargaining, which is concerned with wages, working hours, fringe benefits, job security, safety and other related to an employee’s working condition. We will write a custom essay sample on Working Like an Elephant Eating Like an Ant specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Working Like an Elephant Eating Like an Ant specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Working Like an Elephant Eating Like an Ant specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This process is now a crucial part of the labor union movement and an accepted practice in many industrial nations. Olsson states â€Å" In 10 separate cases, the National Labor Relations Board has ruled that Wal-Mart repeatedly broke the law by interrogating workers, confiscating union literature, and firing union supporters†(p 435). Many employees have been fired just because they show interest in joining union. Since they are not allowed to join union all the fringe benefit had been forfeited. It does not speak well when employees are enslaved by the employer. It should be noted that Wal-Mart is obliged to offer the same pay and benefits for they cannot prove that the difference in pay or benefits has resulted because of a reason other than one related to the gender of the employees. By doing so they have violated The Equal Pay Act of 1963 EPA 29 U. S. Code Chapter 8  § 206(d). The Equal Pay Act (part of the Fair Labor Standards Act) which prohibits wage discrimination by employers and labor organizations based solely on sex. It goes thus in section (d) of the Act Prohibition of sex discrimination: (1) No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any establishment in which such employees are employed, between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees in such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex in such establishment for equal work on jobs the performance of which require equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions, except where such payment is made pursuant to (i) a seniority system; (ii) a merit system. From the above it is very clear that Wal-Mart has violated the Act, Olsson mentioned in two different occasion where Wal-Mart pay the female worker less than the male counterparts. He states â€Å"The retailer also faces a sex discrimination law suit that accuses it of wrongly denying promotions and equal pay to 700,000 women†(344). Secondly, â€Å"†¦the company pays female store managers less than men in the same position†(350). Even Hillary Clinton when she was a first lady in Arkansas she was appointed to make sure that man and women are of equal benefit. But all the two scenarios mentioned above occurred after, this has testifies that Wal-Mart are taken law into their hand. There should be no reason where any company or organizations like Wal-Mart pay less than the minimum wage as stated by the United States Department of Labor. Olsson described the wages as low as anything, imaging an employee McLaughlin who has been with the company for three years still earning $16,800 a year and considered high-paid. I don’t think having second job should be criteria to survive in life. With the fact that they pay less than ought to, they deducted $85 as health insurance coverage from the $550 they pay every two week. In a situation like this you don’t work to live rather you live to work. We should have concluded that Mallaby deserver honorary award in his column â€Å"Progressive Wal-Mart. Really†on November 28, 2005 where He described Wal-Mart as savoir and Samaritan for poor. He states â€Å"The average customer earns $35,000 a year, compared with $50,000 at Target and $74,000 at Costco. Moreover, Wal-Mart’s â€Å"everyday low prices†make the biggest to the poor†(357). The question is that can there be leg without head? I believe Mallaby must have received his own share from $6. 6 billion profits pocketed by Wal-Mart. If a company makes a profit of over $6 billion, I see no reason why those behind such huge should suffer. The employee of such company that work like an elephant should in the same scale eat like elephant and not like an ant. It is good to satisfy customer or consumer but such satisfaction should be justify and not to rub Paul in order to pay Apollo. Mallaby should have considered a case where Wal-Mart was forcing employees to work overtime without pay and found guilty of violating the wage-and-hour laws by the jury in Oregon and put himself in the same shoe with employees. All the money that has been wasted to organize anti-union seminars and those spent on video should be for the better living of the employee. Martin Levitt confessed to have helped the company in developing tactics for anti-union also must have received national cake from the company such motion in nothing but unjust and wrong I believe that soon Mallaby too will confess. To this end Wal-Mart should use it’s convenience to inconvenient employer rather than the other way round it’s slogan â€Å"everyday low price†should be extended to employees It is the biggest private employer in the United States. Not only biggest employment, I have no doubt that it has accumulated an amazing history of being sued for many reasons, including illegally preventing the unionizing of its workers, and just about every other imaginable violation of workers rights: discrimination against the disabled, sexual discrimination, lack of health care coverage, and unpaid overtime. In the US most of its workers are without health care, and the salaries it pays are, on average, lower than the industry norm. In the recent year there were many class action lawsuits pending against the company in different states in the US for violations of overtime laws. It lost most the class action lawsuit where women proved that they suffered gender discrimination as employees of the company.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Assignment on Amlodipine free essay sample
Amlodipine (Norvasc (Pfizer) and generics) (as besylate, mesylate or maleate) is a long-acting calcium channel blocker (dihydropyridine (DHP) class) used as an anti-hypertensive and in the treatment of angina. Like other calcium channel blockers, amlodipine acts by relaxing the smooth muscle in the arterial wall, decreasing total peripheral resistance and hence reducing blood pressure; in angina it increases blood flow to the heart muscle (although DHP-class calcium channel blockers are more selective for arteries than myocardium, as the cardiac calcium channels are not of the dihydropyridine-type). Systematic (IUPAC) name (RS)-3-ethyl 5-methyl 2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-6-methyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate. Stereoisomerism Amlodipine is a chiral calcium antagonist, currently on the market and in therapeutic use as a racemate [1:1 mixture of (R)-(+)- and (S)-(–)-amlodipine]] A method for the semi-preparative chromatographic purification of the enantiomers (S)-(–)-amlodipine and (R)-(+)-amlodipine has been reported. Enantiomer of amlodipine DESCRIPTION NORVASC ® is the besylate salt of amlodipine, a long-acting calcium channel blocker. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment on Amlodipine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Amlodipine besylate is chemically described as 3-Ethyl-5-methyl ( ±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate. Its empirical formula is C 20 H 25 CIN 2 O 5 †¢C 6 H 6 O 3 S, and its structural formula is: Amlodipine besylate is a white crystalline powder with a molecular weight of 567. 1. It is slightly soluble in water and sparingly soluble in ethanol. NORVASC (amlodipine besylate) tablets are formulated as white tablets equivalent to 2. 5, 5 and 10 mg of amlodipine for oral administration. In clinical studies, most patients with coronary artery disease required 10 mg. Usual Adult Amlodipine Dose for Coronary Artery Disease: Chronic stable or vasospastic angina, or angiographically documented coronary artery disease in patients without heart failure or an ejection fraction less than 40%: 5 to 10 mg orally once a day Most patients with chronic stable or vasospastic angina require 10 mg for adequate effect. In clinical studies, most patients with coronary artery disease required 10 mg. Usual Geriatric Amlodipine Dose for Hypertension: Initial dose: 2. 5 mg orally once a day Maintenance dose: 2. 5 to 10 mg orally once a day Usual Geriatric Dose for Angina Pectoris: Chronic stable or vasospastic angina: 5 to 10 mg orally once a day The lower dose is recommended in the elderly; however, most patients require 10 mg for adequate effect. Usual Pediatric Dose for Hypertension: 6 to 17 years: 2. 5 mg to 5 mg orally once a day Doses in excess of 5 mg daily have not been studied in pediatric patients. Important information about amlodipine Before taking amlodipine, tell your doctor if you have congestive heart failure or liver disease. Drinking alcohol can further lower your blood pressure and may increase certain side effects of amlodipine. If you are being treated for high blood pressure, keep using amlodipine even if you feel well. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. You may need to use blood pressure medication for the rest of your life. Amlodipine is only part of a complete program of treatment that may also include diet, exercise, weight control, and other medications. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely. Tell your doctor about all other heart or blood pressure medications you are taking. Your chest pain may become worse when you first start taking amlodipine or when your dose is increased. Call your doctor if your chest pain is severe or ongoing. Before taking amlodipine You should not take this medication if you are allergic to amlodipine. To make sure you can safely take amlodipine, tell your doctor if you have any of these other conditions: * a heart valve problem called aortic stenosis; * congestive heart failure; or * liver disease. If you are also taking a beta-blocker drug (such as Betapace, Blocadren, Corgard, Coreg, Inderal, InnoPran, Lopressor, Normodyne, Tenoretic, Tenormin, Toprol, Trandate, Zebeta, and others) do not suddenly stop using the beta-blocker without first talking to your doctor. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely. Stopping a beta-blocker too quickly can cause serious heart problems that will not be prevented by amlodipine. FDA pregnancy category C. It is not known whether amlodipine will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using this medication. It is not known whether amlodipine passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while you are taking amlodipine. Amlodipine side effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction to amlodipine: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as: * feeling like you might pass out; * swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet; * pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest; or * chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling. Less serious amlodipine side effects may include: * headache;
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Ace the SAT 6 Expert Tips and Strategies
How to Ace the SAT 6 Expert Tips and Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you want a top SAT score, you need more than a desire to succeed. Determination and hard work are two vital ingredients for acing the SAT, but also you need to use effective study strategies to help you reach your goal. I've helped hundreds of students prepare for the SAT, and I know the best methods to utilize to conquer this exam. In this article, I'll explain exactly howto ace the SAT, includinghow long you need to study, the best SAT prep strategies, and key test-taking tips. What Is Acing the SAT? For the purposes of this article, acing the SAT refers to getting a score over a 1400. Getting this score will make you competitive for admission to the vast majority of colleges, and based on past results, if you get a score higher than 1400, you’ll likely score better than 95% of students who take the SAT. To get this score, you’ll only be able to miss a handful of questions on each section. However, for the most selective colleges, you may need a score of 1550 or higher for your SAT score to help your chances of getting in. Depending on your college goals, figure out your target score and what a good score would be for you. Regardless of whether you’re aiming for a 1400 or a 1600, if you follow the advice in this article, you’ll be on the path to success. If you’re striving for a 1000-1300, you may want to focus on our posts about improving your Math, Reading, and Writing scores. How Long Do You Need to Study to Ace the SAT? Often, this is one of the first questions students want to know. Primarily, the answer depends on your starting point and your target score. How much you need to improve will determine how much you need to study to achieve your goal. If you haven’t taken the SAT yet, take an official practice test simulating real testing conditions to determine where you’re at and how much you need to improve. Here’s a rough estimate of how long you’ll have to study based on how many points you need to reach your goal: 0-30 point improvement: 10 hours 30-70 point improvement: 20 hours 70-130 point improvement: 40 hours 130-200 point improvement: 80 hours 200-330 point improvement: 150 hours + Know how long you need to study. Acing the SAT: Best Ways to Study You don’t just need to put in the necessary hours to ace the SAT; you need to study efficiently. Regardless of whether you’re using test prep books, you have a tutor, or you take an SAT prep class, you should be incorporating these practices into your SAT studying. #1: Use Official Practice Questions The best questions to study from are those that will most closely resemble the questions that appear on the SAT. The SAT is unlike tests you've taken in school, and its format is unique. The more comfortable you get with correctly answering the types of questions that will be on the SAT, the better you're likely to do on the test. A huge flaw of many test prep books is that their practice questions are either much harder or much easier than those you’ll find on the SAT. Also, some books present questions in a different format than that of the SAT. Instead of relying on those sources to prepare, you should focus on studying with official practice problems. The best study resources are official practice tests provided by the College Board. Also, Khan Academy has partnered with the College Board and provides additional official practice questions. Furthermore, the official PSAT practice test has quality practice questions. If you’re looking for an online prep program, the PrepScholar SAT prep program has thousands of realistic practice questions created by SAT experts. Use real SAT questions in your prep. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! #2: Focus on Your Weaknesses and Analyze Your Mistakes You’ll make the best use of your study time by focusing on why you’re missing questions and trying to improve your weaknesses. If you just do a ton of practice questions, but you don’t stop to figure out why you’re getting questions wrong, your score won’t improve much. If you want to ace the SAT, you’ll have little room for error. You’ll want to understand every type of question and be able to finish each section in the allotted time. For every practice test or question set you do, mark each question that you’re even 20% unsure about. Then, when you’re reviewing, thoroughly examine each question you got incorrect or guessed on. Make sure you understand how to correctly answer the question and what you didn’t grasp or did wrong. Keep track of all of these questions with specific notes about what you need to improve. Figure out exactly why you got questions wrong. Be as specific as possible. These are the major areas you might need to improve. Content Again, to ace the SAT, you need to thoroughly understand all of the common topics that are tested on the SAT. The SAT tests you on a number of concepts related to reading, writing, and math. By identifying the specific types of questions you get wrong, you can identify the topics you need to learn better. For example, on Math, you may notice that you’re missing questions related to quadratic functions. On Writing, you may be having difficulty with questions that deal with sentence and paragraph order. Once you diagnose your content weaknesses, study the content. We have articles on this blog related to every type of question. Once you’ve become more familiar with the content, do a ton of related practice questions and understand how to correctly answer each practice question. Know where you're weak. Time Even if you understand SAT content and how to do each question, you may struggle finishing sections in the allotted time. If you're finishing sections with more than five minutes remaining and making careless mistakes, then you're rushing. If you’re rushing, all you may have to do is slow down and read the questions more carefully. If you’re having trouble finishing questions on time, monitor your time spent per question during your practice. Also, you may increase your speed as you improve your content knowledge. Finally, you may be able to better your time management by adopting quality test-taking strategies. For Reading and Writing, you need to figure out the most efficient way for you to read the passages to maximize your score. Drill your approach in your test prep so that you’re comfortable with it. For Math, memorize all formulas you may need to know. Strategy Some students are comfortable with the content and don’t have issues with time management, but they’re still missing questions. Usually, this occurs because of a lack of understanding of SAT strategy. If you succumb to common SAT tricks, then you likely need to improve your knowledge of SAT strategy. For example, if you know the grammar rules that are tested on SAT Writing but you’re missing questions because you’re not reading the whole sentence, you need to work on your SAT strategy. Strategy errors occur when you understand the content that’s being tested, but you need to improve your approach or understanding of the questions. Acing the SAT: Top Test-Taking Tips Following these tips will help you avoid strategy errors and enable you to correctly answer questions more quickly and efficiently. Make sure to use these tips when taking practice tests so they become a regular habit for you. #1: Answer Every Question Before the redesigned SAT was introduced in March 2016, incorrect answers were penalized. Now, there's no penalty for incorrect answers, so it's in your best interest to answer every single question. Even if you have no clue, you should guess, since you have a 25% chance of randomly picking the correct answer on the multiple choice questions. This is also why it's important to have good time management to ensure that you're able to complete each section and have an opportunity to answer all of the questions. If you're running out of time and know you won't get to the end of the section, you should still fill in random bubbles to give yourself a chance at getting extra right answers. #2: Underline Key Words in the Questions Regardless of the section, underlining key words can help you make sure you know what the question is asking and avoid careless mistakes. For example, in Math, you can check to see if you should be solving for x or y. In Writing, you can ensure if a question is asking you whether a sentence should be added or deleted. #3: Eliminate Wrong Answers While this strategy may sound obvious, it’s important to use, especially if you’re not immediately 100% certain of the right answer. In Reading and Writing, there may be answer choices that seem plausible, but if anything about the answer choice isn’t correct, it must be eliminated. Similarly, in Math, if you have a rough estimate of the correct answer, you can eliminate any answer that isn’t close to your estimate. Or if you know the answer is positive, you can eliminate any answer that’s a negative number. Eliminating wrong answers will increase your chances of getting questions right and help you arrive at the correct answer. #4: Finish With Extra Time to Recheck Your Work You should try to finish each section with roughly 5 minutes remaining. During the remaining time, check any questions you were unsure of. I recommend marking any questions you’re uncertain about while you’re taking the test. Double check how you got your answer. Once you feel confident in your answer, go to the next question. If you’re still unsure, stick with your initial guess and go to the next question. After looking over questions you were unsure of, check that you did all your bubbling correctly. Inspect your answers Final Advice: How to Ace the SAT Acing the SAT isn’t easy, but it’s possible with enough diligence and a good plan. If you need help with organization, motivation, or test-taking strategies, you may benefit with the help of a tutor, in-person class, or online program like PrepScholar. For thorough explanation and more detailed instructions for acing the SAT, you may want to read our articles for how to get a perfect SAT score, and how to get a perfect score in Reading, Math, and Writing. What's Next? If you want to ace the SAT but you're busy with your academics, learn how to balance your test prep with school. When you're taking your practice tests, make sure you avoid these things to help best prepare yourself for the SAT. Looking for a good SAT prep book? We have a guide onthe best SAT prep booksto use in your studying. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also feature thousands of practice questions, official SAT practice tests, and personal feedback on your essays from an expert instructor. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Summary of Ray essays
Summary of Ray essays The movie Ray is an outstanding movie because it provides a very detailed description of the legendary singer Ray Charles. This movie stands out from other similar films because the description of Ray is more honest. All the strength and weaknesses of Ray Charles are shown in the film. The movie reveals Ray Charles as a very inspiring singer who is gifted with a great voice having the ability to duplicate other voices. As the movie progresses, Ray makes his own music and his own career decisions. Ray also has the courage and dedication to overcome the disadvantages of his blindness and racial prejudice treated upon him. However, his downfall is his lack of self dedication and motivation, addiction to heroin and women, and the inability to stick to his own roots due to his rising fame. In the end, Ray overcomes his weaknesses when unfortunates events crosses path with both his career and his life. The movie starts by showing Rays mother telling him not to depend on others. Then he takes a trip to Seattle for a Job in a white mens bar. Before his bus trip, he is confronted by a white police officer. Racial prejudice is evident when, the police officer tries to deny Ray of his right to take the bus, claiming he will not take responsibility of Rays safety. Racial remarks are also stated by the police officer. When Ray states that he is not depending on anybody to take care of him and that he is going to support himself, the police officer feels sympathetic for him and apologizes. The officers attitude changes drastically and offers to look after him during the trip. At the bar, the owner refused to give a chance for Ray to audition for the job. The fact that Ray is black and blind is the first thought that came to the owners mind. However, once Ray is given a chance to play, all the people at the bar are amazed at his talent. What is astonishing about this is that Ray showe...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
3 Comma Splices and How to Repair Them
3 Comma Splices and How to Repair Them 3 Comma Splices and How to Repair Them 3 Comma Splices and How to Repair Them By Mark Nichol A comma often serves to link two independent clauses, but it does so in partnership with a conjunction (as shown in this sentence). When a pair of independent clauses butt up against each other with a comma but no conjunction, the grammatical infraction is known as a comma splice- the name refers to the writer’s effort to splice the clauses together with a comma, which is the wrong use of the tool. Which tool is the correct one? Several are available in your writer’s toolbox: The semicolon (a supercomma of sorts) is usually the best choice, but depending on the interrelationship of the clauses, you could, alternatively, employ a period (creating two distinct sentences) or even a dash (showing an abrupt break in thought). Here are three sentences containing a comma splice and their revisions. 1. â€Å"You can sense the frustration, their morale is down,†Smith said of his colleagues. â€Å"‘You can sense the frustration; their morale is down,’ Smith said of his colleagues†is the technically correct solution, but a semicolon is overly formal for a quotation. In this case, use the more casual dash: â€Å"‘You can sense the frustration- their morale is down,’ Smith said of his colleagues.†Another option is to break the statement into two sentences; but insert the attribution between them: â€Å"‘You can sense the frustration,’ Smith said of his colleagues. ‘Their morale is down.’†(Do not use a semicolon or a dash after an attribution.) 2. The devices themselves don’t use logarithms, rather they are tools to reduce multiplication and division of natural numbers to simple addition and subtraction operations. A transitional word such as rather between two independent clauses is a clear signal that a stronger punctuation mark than a comma is required, because one should follow the word, and a stronger punctuation mark should set the clauses off from each other. A semicolon will suffice: â€Å"The devices themselves don’t use logarithms; rather, they are tools to reduce multiplication and division of natural numbers to simple addition and subtraction operations.†(Rather can also begin a separate sentence, but the second clause is so closely related to the first that a semicolon seems more suitable.) 3. The frame was finished two years later- a little behind schedule, the structure was supposed to open in 1989. The inclusion of a dash in this sentence complicates it, because it introduces confusion about which phrase deserves the most emphasis. A simple solution is to demote the â€Å"Hey, look at me!†dash to a more workmanlike comma and use a semicolon to tack on the final phrase as an independent clause: â€Å"The frame was finished two years later, a little behind schedule; the structure was supposed to open in 1989.†One could use a dash in place of the semicolon, but the information that follows isn’t surprising enough to merit the attention-seeking punctuation mark. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†Proved vs. Proven20 Movies Based on Shakespeare Plays
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Coporate finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Coporate finance - Essay Example 2.1 Describe the business model and strategies of Tesco by taking on strategy and discuss with evidences cited from the case how it is consistent with corporate objective of maximizing shareholder wealth. Tesco’s business model is for the company to what matters better together as it deliver its core purpose to customers. The core retail activities of insight, buy, move and sell are what the company tries to make better as supported by its strategies, among others, of building the Tesco Brand, Leveraging Group skill and scale, operating responsively, establishing multichannel offer for customers. The financial results measure the performance on how the company was able to accomplish its strategies and objective of wealth maximization. The business model of Tesco includes those made from the perspective of strategic choices. The strategies being used in relation to its business model including that of operating responsibly which include maintaining its good profitability, efficiency management of its assets, acceptable liquidity, balanced gearing ratio and responsive investment ratios. As to whether the strategies are consistent with the corporate objective of maximizing shareholder wealth, it could be said that there is good amount of evidence. The results of the company’s profitability, liquidity, good Solvency , and good investment ratios provide good pieces evidence of meeting the financial objectives of the and which are consistent with the objectives of maximizing wealth of shareholders. Making good strategic judgements has a good way to determining the company’s prosperity and building value for its shareholders over the coming decade. Building shareholder value cannot be done in instant or in short-term. It is actually long-term as it may even be sacrificing in the short-run in order to attain the
Preparation for Value Management Study designed for TechWatt Essay
Preparation for Value Management Study designed for TechWatt Corporation - Essay Example In preparation for the Value Management Study, TMK Services has determined the need for this preliminary report that will address the specific issues that should be evaluated during the first meeting of the project briefing stage. This report will include details of what should be contributed to the Value Management Study, and who will be involved in the process. In addition, TechWatt will need to provide certain information for the Study, which will be addressed. Finally, a proposed agenda will be submitted for approval. Top managers of TechWatt must be involved in every aspect of this process and, since the company is not large, they will be directly monitoring each feature of the process without exception. At the early stages of decision making, there is no need for any delegation of responsibility. As the process proceeds to the construction phase, At the outset, TMK Services has been informed that the funds allocated by TechWatt for the proposed HQ total approximately five million pounds. With that in mind, the first logical step in this process must be to determine a suitable location for building and determine what the cost of the land will be. While some locations may seem more desirable from a strictly logistical or geographical standpoint, consideration must be given to the relative cost of land in any given area being considered. We would suggest that TechWatt management not limit themselves to only one possible location at this stage. Going into the Value Management Study meeting, it would be beneficial to have at least two, if not three possible locations on the table. Considering what has been occurring with the price of land in recent years, it becomes imperative to make the proper decision on location. For example: From 1983 to 2002 the cost of one hectare of land in London went from 0.76m to 5.5m. However, in the South West, the price went from 0.18m to 1.7m. Finally, the lowest prices for land are found in Yorkshire with prices raising from 0.1m to only 0.87m per hectare. (UK Land Prices Rocket, 2003) Prices for land vary throughout additional areas of the country, and specific numbers can be provided upon request, however the purpose of providing these statistics is simply to provide the basis for TechWatt management to understand the importance of this part of the decision making process. Obviously, the cost of the land on which the HQ will be constructed will play a major roll in determining the amount of finances remaining for the building process. 3 Although a full hectare of land may not be necessary for this project - that is a determination that will be made at a later date - understanding the cost of land in various locations must be a vital part of the process for TechWatt management. Other factors will need to be considered regarding location, as well. These include: accessibility of location (is it close to majors thoroughfares and easily accessible from airport); quality of surrounding area
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gender Roles In The Second World War (UK) Essay
Gender Roles In The Second World War (UK) - Essay Example The term begins to take new meaning at the beginning of feminist’s movement who asked for equal rights, so it was called the first wave of feminism. The movement was briefly forgotten during the war upon which, feminism took a new meaning for them, that of leaving the patriarchal society to become members of the men’s world. The study of Ziegler, Kathryn, refers to two kinds of feminity, one is conventional and the other is the formidable femininity. To her, conventional roles are those associated with docility, passivity, and weakness. A formidable feminity has a redefined role in that they use their bodies to enact manly techniques. Their femininity is redefined as their performances are constituted with fighting, feminine fashions, and sexiness. Thus Kathryn, Ziegler, said, formidable femininity â€Å"diminish their dependence on men, maintain their femininity. She concludes that women can be both feminine and formidable at the same time. They can learn to protect t hemselves by learning techniques for fighting.Feminity is also defined by Brownmiller, Susan, as â€Å"making oneself as harmless, and that the feminine principle is composed of compliance and conflict†. Brownmiller argues that femininity merges female weaknesses with conflict avoidance. Brownmiller is a controversial writer because of her assertion that â€Å"rape is a process of intimidation in which all men keep women in a state of fear†She said rape is a tool used by men ever since as a form of oppression to women.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Real Property Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Real Property Market - Essay Example The Centerpoint Properties in the Chicago area and AIG Global Red Estate Investment in New York was involved in an Atlanta development wherein a century-old steel mill covering more than 130 acres of prime downtown property was converted to mixed-use consisting of retail, office, and residential development. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated the project for its excellence in leadership program since it encourages pedestrian traffic to and from the various uses, and its proximity to mass transit will limit traffic congestion. (Rising, 2001) The third contribution of the real estate industry is its promotion of energy conservation. Residential and commercial buildings account for more than one-third of total U.S. energy consumption. Working with the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy, these leaders developed a program that recognizes commercial buildings which meet strict energy and environmental criteria that place them in the top 25% of all comparable buildings. The first 100 buildings to earn the Federal government's Energy Star rating were awarded in 2000. The Federal Energy Star Building Label program has been successful. The program served as an incentive for companies to build or renovate as many Energy Star buildings as possible. Arden and Equity Office Properties have in their respective portfolios more than half the buildings that have earned Federal Energy Stars nationwide. By making energy-efficiency investments in their buildings, these and other companies have experienced impor tant energy savings that accrue to their tenants and make the overall buildings more valuable. The environmental advantages of building multi-unit residences lie in the opportunities to share spaces and functions. This form of sharing reduces one's footprint because it reduces one's overall consumption. For example, every family need not have its own exercise and laundry facilities. (Paehlke, 2004) Another benefit is the social advantages of living in a community with spaces and things in common. Great architectural design which respects that yearning for privacy is also capable of bringing community residents together in shared gardens and playgrounds. (Ratcliffe, 2001) Real estate developers focus on location as it has an impact on price, profit and value. Proximity to employment, schools, shopping and entertainment are important. Hence, the more people that live in proximity to essential services, the more compact and vital the city, and the greater the opportunity for sustainable behaviour such as public transit use. (Ball,, 1998) When proximity is high, more people are can use the transit, walk and cycle. Jeffrey Kenworthy and Peter Newman (1998) showed that there is a direct and consistent correlation between the compactness of cities and the proportion of people deciding to use public transit. The European cities such as Paris, Munich and London which have overall employment and residential densities that are higher than Chicago and New York record double the transit use and half the automobile use. Their studies have shown that when proximity is high, automobile use is low. Compact urban design as in the High Park areas in Toronto or the West End in Vancouver makes sense, both economically and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Introduction to management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Introduction to management - Essay Example Information is crucial to managers, and because the value chain that links suppliers, Cadbury, its distributors and the customers is dependent on the system. All these crucial value chain issues are relevant to managers. Some of the managerial issues that influence the system the most include concerns for increase in efficiency in the form of trying to cut redundancies. The system is also aimed to provide a more efficient integration of the companys operations with the help of information technology that will result in substantial cost savings to the company. Over the years, Cadbury has gone through major changes. One of these changes include the integrated global IT system in 2002, where it has been implemented first in Australia. This change has not been effectively managed as unanticipated delays have occurred which has resulted in huge trouble to the company. The acquisition of Green and Black in 2005 has been well integrated in the companys operations, and the change is well-managed, as Cadbury has been able to adopt the Fair Trade practice of G&B. The effectiveness of the companys introduction of â€Å"Pathatrix†--a pathogen testing system in 2008, which aims to minimise the financial losses as well as the losses associated with its reputation is apparent in the companys higher revenues in the first half of 2009. The company has also undergone a restructuring of its legal team in order to reduce redundancy in 2008 as well as the closing down of one facility in Keynsham. The company has effectively managed these changes through good HR practicesâ€â€systems of informal rewards and effective communications which have resulted in loyalty among employees. Because of the companys strong dedication to good HR practices, changes like these as well as its de-merger with Schweppes has not created a chaotic environment within the company, which
The cry of humanity Essay Example for Free
The cry of humanity Essay Many people often cry for this word in some parts of their lives. People express their craving for this entity in different manners such that protests and silent rebellion can be counted as examples of expression of the desire in attaining freedom. People may seem to be so vulnerable when it comes to freedom that they tend to freak out whenever their freedom is being suppressed by other people, say parents or government leaders. I, being a member of the human society also cry for this at times. I am pleading to have my allowance be increased during my high school days and I do not want anyone to hinder my joy in my party life with my friends. Moreover, I want to have my own kitchen and my room so I am free of making my own sandwich with no one to share and ask â€Å"for the nth time around, why are you still eating? †Freedom for me is act of being free to do things whether it is good or bad. Freedom only differs with the words that are tagged to it say for academic freedom, spiritual freedom and political freedom. Academic freedom is something that can be related with the right of every child to be sent to school and receive the essential information about life and sciences. Nowadays, technology is in its boost however, many people especially the youth are not receiving it due to poverty and some terrorism attacks in their country. Political freedom on the other hand, is the appropriateness of the rights and privileges received by each member of the society. When girls are not allowed or permitted to enter politics due to the patriarchal norms of the country, she is experiencing political depression. Spiritual freedom goes with the ability of every person to express their faith without persecution and judgment from others. It is the moment of freely obeying what is in ones doctrines with the practices of a religion or a sect. Faith: An Expression of Freedom From the time of Moses, when the Israelites are still slaves by the Pharaoh Ramesis, they are not able to see the reality that there is a true God aside from the statues and walls of the pyramids or palaces. They were just given the idea that gods can transform stick into snakes but not with some interventions like setting them completely free. Moses actually had doubts the first time he has been called by God at the burning bush and had Aaron to talk for him, as it was commanded by the One who talked to Moses. It was when they believed that there is a far better life than serving the Egyptians. They were able to escape them through the guidance of God hence they were able to head for the Promised Land that is full of flowing milk and honey: that is Canaan, for instance. Christianity is one of the most populated religions in the world. Apparently, most of the societies follow by the practices and the traditions of the said religion. They perceive men would be the best leaders for the society thus sometimes giving no chance for women who have potentials also in leading the church. I now of a church that do not give an account in letting their women preach for they believe in the abilities of men. Society has been a part of molding the beliefs of every people in the world. Since it is composed of many different parts like norms, values and ethics, one may not be so shocked that people really have different point of views on things. Luckily, there are passionate people that give time in studying them. Freedom in choosing a religion is more prevalent during our time since there were already people who fought for it during the early 15th to 17th century. The battle of being recognized as people with strong and distinguished faith is not a problem anymore. There may be different religions that can be seen else where like Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist and Muslims, but we are lucky enough to have the chance to choose the religion that suits our lifestyle. Perhaps will not be our passes to eternal life, but it is our faith that separates us from others and with that, we will be living with those standards as long as we are alive. Speaking our freedom Mass media is a source of information that gives us the idea of the current events in our country. Whether news pertains to celebrities or politicians or calamities, the existence of the developed broadcasting or journalism is a big help in easing some of our life’s problems. During some points in the martial law, and dictatorial presidency or leadership of some leaders in the world, the news and public affairs of those were put into a shut, giving no opportunities for them to report the true and correct occurrences in their country. Those people who will rebelliously report the anomaly will be soon in the death bed with a bullet on their head or chest part. Ellis obviously gave his points of view regarding this matter. He cited some examples that can give us the idea of what freedom of speech is. The presentation of ideas were detailed hence it gave me the feeling that media should not be oppressed for telling the truth. It should be fought for instances of government abuse. Freedom of speech doesn’t only occur on the broadcasting part of the society but also in the inner communities wherein the normal people lives. It is the way people express their ideas with no hesitations and no other people that would tell them what to do. It does not necessarily mean going with the opposite flow of the norms but rather, it is an opportunity to bring more treasures in the mind bank of every civilizations. For sure, there are many beliefs that are outdated and can not be applied to the present situation of the world. With that, presentation of ideas is necessary to solve some of the troubles at a certain time. Ideas are best presented with no hesitations, but I agree that it is a healthy way of enriching a body’s mind through some exchange of ideas that can actually get into a conclusion that resolves the case yet, both parties had their own time for shining, explaining their point of views. Questioning may be a good sign of comprehension thus signifies the impact of the thing that we are after. Freedom for both As many people have argued and died for religion and freedom of expression, we must note that we are fortunate that we were born in an era where we no longer have to battle with guns and swords for it like the gladiators and the cowboys before. Having them establish at this point will b\make it much more easier for us to choose what is right rather than seeking for it or founding a new one. Both religion and speech are parts of our lives that our essential in our beings. Religion, as we all know has the idea of god or gods that direct our path to what we think is right. It may show us the best way to do things in their right place and time. While speech is a channel of ourselves that help us be known by others. It is very important that we are able to fight for them thus our rights for living may not be suppressed also. There may be instances that people will contradict what we believe in but it is very important that we truly know what we are standing and living for. Life is a matter of believing and striving for some realizations. References Freedom of Speech – Reader Feedback and Response. Retrieved 14 July 2008 from http://blog. tomevslin. com/2006/02/freedom_of_spee_1. html Hurd, Michael J. 2008. Judge Joseph Lieberman by his Ideas, Not His Religion and Race. Retrieved 13 July 2008 from http://www. capmag. com/article. asp? ID=716 Thomas Jefferson. 1999. Freedom of Religion. Retrieved 14 July 2008 from http://etext. lib. virginia. edu/jefferson/quotations/jeff1650. htm
Friday, November 15, 2019
Employee Turnover In The Hospitality Sector In China
Employee Turnover In The Hospitality Sector In China People are one of the most significant resources for business, especially in the people-intensive and service- intensive hospitality industry (Kong and Baum, 2006). Additionally, front office plays a role of reception and marketing as well as the brain in the hotel, and it is an important factor that has impact on hotels image and reputation. An increasing number of research in China and in the world are keen on investigating human resources management about the turnover in hospitality industry (Liu,2002; Baum et al.,2006). Gustafson (2002) indicated that high employee turnover had been widely accepted and documented in the hospitality industry. The study also showed the relationship between managers perceptions and staff turnover. Moreover, Poulston (2008) found the poor training was associated with workplace problems, and improving in the training part is likely to reduce the thorny problems such as under-staffing. The result proved via questionnaires indicated that in the hospitality industry, the employers were not generally looking for hard technical skills, especially in the front line positions, but rather soft skills (Nickson et al., 2005). Such soft skills encompass attitude and it was also the essential parts affect staff aspirations about changing work all the time. In brief, turnover in hospitality is affects not only including psychological factors but also physical factors. It is clear that China has a bright future in the hospitality industry, and absolutely it is with potential to open the outside world and thus to obtain advanced international management skills as a result. China is still facing the problem of shortage of quality personnel and high staff turnover which might relate to culture of bias to the hotel jobs (Kong et al., 2006). Due to the importance of about turnover in the hospitality industry, some of the psychological and physical factors may similar be all around the world, yet in China, culture differentials also exist about the job nature in the hospitality industry. 2.2 Turnover KPMG (1991) and Timo (1999) pointed out that high staff turnover rates in the hospitality industry are largely higher than manufacturing industries in Australian labor market. Timo (1999) indicated that hospitality sector employment is always described as a mode of instability and flexible form of employment. In addition, findings in Timos survey (2005), a unit of percentage can evidence this statement: only 23.2% of employee respondents had been employed by the hotel 3-5years. It is also worth mentioned that only a little more half or 56.5% of respondents had been employed for less than two years. Similarly, about half of the manager respondents have been employed by one hotel for more or less two years. A survey conducted by Kong and Baum (2006) found that 75% respondents in front office was their first experience of working in hotel sector. Only about 30% respondents indicated that they plan to stay on their job for one to three years. This percentage largely reflects the potentia l workforce turnover in hospitality environment. Awareness about staff turnover cannot just stay on the surface, it must recognize that staff instability is not only the loss of talent, but that also would result in more costs in hotels. According to the survey by Mitchell (2001), he indicated that turnover is costly in any kind of operations. Cost here is a general concept. It concluded intangible and tangible factors. The former involved loss of experience, technical skills, relationships knowledge etc. The latter is concerned about adding money to recruitment, training, creating of candidates. Additionally, Hinkin and Tracey (2008) also published a report regarding the cost profiles associated with staff turnover in Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. They divided the turnover cost into hard costs, soft costs and opportunity costs. Meanwhile they listed five cost categories during the recruitment, selection, training and development, and performance. The authors found out that the results that the managers spent a great amount of tim e and money in recruitment and selection new staff because of the poor quality of the candidates pool and high turnover rates existing in the hotels. The front office is the first place that customers have contact with a hotel, which employees provided the first impression to the customers about the hotel service. In other words, the front office represents the hotels image and as a consequence staff in front office must know all the answers concerned in hotel to make customers happy( Kaye, Thomas, 2000,pp24-P25). Meanwhile, the clerks in hotel front office face big challenge on daily work. Working stress is one of the reasons that caused staff turnover can be found (Lo and Lamm, 2005). Pressure caused by working challenge may give rise to staffs leaving desire and foreshadowing the final turnover in the hospitality. Moreover, several physical factors have an effect on staff satisfaction about the current job. In Hinkin and Traceys (2000) work, they analyzed major causes for turnover arose, poor working environment, low wages, unreasonable management and lacking guiding for employees and poor training is also mentioned in this work. From the literature it is evident that human resource challenges found that there are many regions all around the world are confronted with the same issue about staff turnover and specifically, the problem of seasonal employment in tourist regions trouble the hotel managers a lot. Martin et al. (2006) published a research paper and summarized that the bad image of tourism hospitality industry, unfavorable working environment, few development and promotional opportunities, these are all the candidates perceptions and the most significant factors for managers to improve and in order to attract and retain the workforce. Specifically, there is an outstanding issue in the hospitality industry that the staff working in hotels is younger and younger and it has closely relationship with turnover issue. According to a New Zealand survey, almost half or 40% of the employees in hospitality sector are less than 25-years-old, the biggest group of the staff being 15-19 year (Whiteford and Nolan 2007).Working in hotel, as well as in front office, the most significant requirement for the staff is not skill levels but service attitude. Selection methods for recruitment can discern such feature, it relied 79% on application forms, 74% on curriculum vitae or/and 89% on interviews and references (60%) (Nickson, Warhurst and Dutton, 2005). A pertinent study conducted by Norris (1995) found that there are low barriers for person to enter most of the hotels, to be front-line personnel. Therefore, low barriers interests young workforce to looking for job in hospitality industry. Meanwhile, the youth staff in front offic e is one of the reasons for its workforce instability. Play and work, this notion may attract those employees to choose jobs in hotel which has low skill barriers to enter as well as opportunities to travel and exciting. (Accirrt, 1996; Chalmers and Kalb,2001) In other words, with the phenomenon of the seasonal turnover, human resource managers in the hotel cannot ignore the using of the students as a temporary labor pool (Farnsworth, 2003). There is no doubt that the close relationship among the local hospitalities and the hospitality manager schools and the tourism manager colleges, they can help provide potential workforce to the hotels. Also, the author advocates that hospitality operators should provide job related training to the students and improve their working competitive strength. Organizational commitment, missions, goals and direction Organization commitment is playing a significant role which as a factor reducing employee turnover in the hospitality industry (Kazlauskaite et al,.). According to Greenberg and Baron (2000, pp.181) definition, organization commitment is an extent to which an individual identifies and is involved with his or her organization or is unwilling to leave it. And there are three types of organizational commitment: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1991). Among these three types of commitment, affective commitment may be considered most desirable for an organization. In addition to the reduction of employee turnover, according to Schuler and Jacksons research result (1999), they found out that employee organizational commitment was also seen to be important for quality improvement and maintain the importance of such human resource practices as teamwork, appropriate feedback system. Furthermore, employee empowerment as a factor can enhanc e organizational commitment. Empowerment is a rather complex process and it is hard to definite until now, but Lovelock and Wright (1999) define empowerment in service industry as the authorization of an employee without asking for a supervisors approval to help customers to find out service problem solutions and make appropriate decisions. And with regard to the relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment, Sigler and Pearson (2000) found the positive relationship between them and Janssen (2004) indicated that psychological empowerment can be viewed as a way to stimulate an individuals commitment to the organization. Basically, empirical evidence suggests that the hotels organization mission, goals and direction influence employee retention and job productivity. And the organization development direction and support had a significant impact on employee job satisfaction and overall commitment (Kim, Leong, Lee, 2005). Susskind et al.s (2000) research also indicated that perceived organizational support strongly insfluences job satisfaction and employees commitment to their organizations. US Department of Labor (1993) on high performance work practices revealed that involving employees in decision-making, goals and the direction of an organization through participation in terms will help reduce turnover rate and produce job employee satisfaction. Furthermore, Cho et al. (2006) also reported that organizations which non-managerial employees are more likely to experience higher turnover rate comparting with which have high-performance work practice in the organization. Hotel culture and communication According to Becker and Huselid (1999), hotel culture creates competitiveness since it changes staffs working behavior by making them act consistently with the hotels desired corporate culture, thus influencing employee retention. Most of other researches indicated that there were uncovered similar findings between hotel culture and staff turnover rate and retention. For instance, according to Milman and Ricci (2004), they revealed that among the most powerful indicators to predict hourly staff retention in the hospitality industry were positive experiences with the hotels policies and with the hotels humane approach to staff. Work environment and job design In terms of the working environment and job design, most of the studies found that employees who had positive experience with regards to working hours, sense of fulfillment with their jobs and higher level of job satisfaction are more likely to stay with current employer. Although employees care lots about the monetary rewards which can be a top motivator for employee retention, having a comfortable working environment and flexible working hours were also important motivators (Wildes, 2007).The research work performed by Martin (2004), he pointed out the working situation has a quite important influence on the staffs perception and working attitudes. Accordingly, the working performance also impacted by the employees satisfaction of the working environment. Continuously improving the ethical problem in the hospitality, it will ultimately lead to the lower staff turnover and the successful retention of the talent workforce. What is more, the result that hourly employees retention was predicted by self-fulfillment and working conditions, even over monetary rewards was confirmed by empirical studies of lodging properties in Central Florida (Milman Ricci, 2004). Hires and promotions According to the searching result, numerous of the studies examine the impact of hiring and promotion activities on retention and performance (Becker Huselid, 1999; Cho, Woods, Jang, Erdem, 2006; Huselid, 1995; Milman, Hourly employee retention in small and medium attractions: the central Florida example, 2003). Based on the Pfeffer (1999) research, hotels which wishing to succeed in todays global competitive environment must make adequate HR investment and build staff who possess better skills and capabilities than their competitors. In addition, it is important that selective hiring procedures can ensure effective retention of the most qualified employees while lowering staff turnover in the long term (Huselid, 1995). Customer relationship The relationship between employees and customers is a connection that cannot be ignored. A theory about employees and customers satisfaction was tested by Heskett (1990), clients satisfaction is base on the employees satisfaction in the hotel. More precisely, employees in the hotel are the significant factor which is root for hospitality operation. Furthermore, the research study by Dienhart et al. (1992) found that there were positive relationship between customer centeredness and the staffs constructive views of job involvement, job security and satisfaction. If staff can feel that the hotel takes good cares of them, in return, they will provide a better service to customers to meet and/or exceed their expectation. They are more likely lead a higher satisfaction both staff and customers, also to better staff performance, thus making them less likely to leave (Arnett, laverie, McLane, 2002), positively influencing staff retention. Training High quality level training is one effective measure for staff retention. Several studies show that the close relationship between training activities and productivity and retention. In hotels where staff receives the proper training needed to assume greater responsibility, turnover rates are generally lower (Youndt, Snell, Dean, Lepak, 1996). And meanwhile Youndt et al. (1996) theorize that human resource practices designed to develop talented and ream-oriented workers improve staff productivity and customer satisfaction. With the same working situation for choosing, to the candidates, they prefer to apply for work at the hotel properties which have done well with the career progression image (Martin et al, 2006). Alexander and Nuchols (1994) also support a positive relationship between high quality level training and employees turnover. Moreover, work by Poulston (2008) investigated that some turnover is redeemable, meanwhile some is inevitable. In such a case, if hotel provides p roper training focus on individual development features, employees are likely to stay long, and try their best to enjoy a complex and stressed environment. Obviously, hotels with substantial training opportunities should experience lower turnover rates according to Shaw et al.s (1998) research. However, an interesting finding also by Shaw et al. (1998) included a positive relationship between training and the discharge rate. They indicated that hotels provide more training opportunities are concerned about staff skills and performance, and therefore experience a high percentage of staff terminations. Conversely, hospitalities that experience a high discharge rate initiate training activities because of lower workforce skill levels. Employee recognition, rewards and compensation The most notable among hotels retention initiatives is compensation and benefits. Numerous studies have addressed the impact of employee compensation, rewards and recognition on turnover and retention (Walsh Taylor, 2007). In terms of wages, a survey by Norris(1995) indicated that workforce in hotel are usually low paid, compared with government average wage, staff in hotel earns just about 73% of the whole industry average. Another survey conducted by Choy (1995) pointed out that hospitality employees average annual salaried have been found to be about 16.5% to 31.6 % below than the hotel industry average and government average wage. Additionally, highly competitive wage system promotes employee commitment and thus results in the attraction and retention of a superior workforce (Guthrie, 2001). And other further survey noted that staff will remain with an organization as long as it serves their self-interest to do so better than the alternatives available to them elsewhere (Shaw, J enkins, Gupta, 1998). Although several study investigated the compensation can strongly influenced the staff turnover rate, also several other research have indicated that compensation in the form of base or variable pay may not be sufficient to attract or retain staff. The most important retention predictors included intrinsic fulfillment and working conditions rather than monetary rewards were confirmed by Milman (2003). Moreover, the absence of opportunity for professional growth and development affects hotels turnover rate and retention instead of compensation and work-life balance (Walsh Taylor, 2007). Leadership and human resource management partnership Furthermore, another survey (Gustafson, 2002) found that the frequency of managers in hotel sector filling in for workers has a negative relationship with turnover. If front offices managers working side-by-side with front-line clerks, teamwork sense developed from staff so that they will recognize that they are needed. At the same time, the managers action will lead to a sense of belonging and heightened communication, and therefore they would be less likely to leave. Contrarily, poor management, conflict between manager and front-line employees are all negative for daily operation in front office. It is not only negative for customer satisfactory, but also passive for staff to set career perspective it will lead employees more likely to turnover. A survey by Tutuncu and Kozak (2007) noted that supervision within the hospitality industry can bring job dissatisfaction, and otherwise staff turnover. What is more, Chew et al. (2005) reveals that hotel with a value profile of either eli te or leadership, complemented with strategic HRM effectiveness will enhance financial performance. Instead of just focusing on single practice like staffing, the simultaneous use of multiple sophisticated human resource practices was assessed, which was identified as a link between organization-level outcomes and groups of high performance work practices (Huselid, 1995). All the prior work has consistently found that the effective of human resource management initiatives increased staff productivity and retentions. Specially, recruitment and training process, working environment, labor-management and performance appraisal, promotion and incentive compensation system that all been linked with valued firm-level outcomes (Huselid, 1995). Although the effects of human resource management practices on employee turnover and retention of organization-level is significant, many of the research in the hotel industry paid more attention to the individual-level predictors of turnover (Shaw, J enkins, Gupta, 1998). 2.3 Turnover in China According to the statistics from China National Tourism Administration Office(2008), it is shown that Chinas current tourism related staff were around 6million, while the actual the need of that are about 8 million or more. Therefore, the talent gap between the practical situation and the expectation is about 2 million. On the other hand, the loss of existing tourism practitioners was very serious. The ordinary turnover rate is 5% to 10% in the general industry, while the turnover rate is as high as 20% or more in the tourism industry, especially the higher qualification, the higher rate of brain drain. (The Yearbook of China Tourism, 2008) The increased mobility of human resources in the hotel industry was becoming increasingly prominent, the brain drain had become a primary problem troubled hotel mangers. The turnover rate in other industries was about 5% to 10%, while the appropriate turnover rate in hospitality industry was about 8%. However, China Tourism Association, Human Resource Development and Training Center did an investigation in twenty three domestic cities in thirty three of two to five stars hotels human resource department, and found that the average turnover rate was 23.95% (Wang, 2009). According to statistics, it can be seen that the hotel staff turnover rate was 3 times more than the appropriate turnover rate, and it showed a gradual upward trend. Zhang and Wu (2004) also indicated that one of the key issues of human resource challenges of Chinas hotel was the high staff turnover rates. A paper published by Zhao et al. (2006) introduced that the high turnover rate in Hospitality industry is a universal existence question which puzzles the managers a lot. The literature concluded some reasons of employees turnover: instable work, little chance for promotion, pursuit higher returns and display their values, want to obtain the respect of personality, etc. Additionally, the author Fei (2009) did an investigation on the negative influence of hotel turnover, including cost allowance, undermine the team morale, and reduce the credibility of brand, loss business information, and decline the service quality. After analyzing the reasons that leading to the staff instability in China hospitality industry, Zhao brought forward some countermeasures: improve the staff training, make plans for staff career development, and focus on communication to strengthen the emotional management, improve the hotel and cultural construction to foster people-oriented management concept. Meanwhi le Fei analyzed the potential development direction from different angles of social factors, corporate factors and individual factors to elaborate the importance of staff loyalty. Many hotel staff graduated from hotel management and have quite potential to be outstanding employees in hospitality industry, but all these outstanding staffs instability was also troubled their corporate managers a lot. Research from Zhang (2006) was focus on investigating the reasons of hotels outstanding employee turnover and introduced the ERG theory, after that he tried to solve the core issue in the hospitality industry: how to maintain the outstanding staff and pursue the hotels long-term stability and development. In this report, Zhang indicated that the outstanding employees outflow from their desire of leaving and the ERG theory used here to analyze the employees core requirement to prove that staff advantages should be discovered. Additionally, the author enumerates some positive examples to expound some recommendations for hotel and employees to establish loyalty mutually. It terms of the human resource management, dynamic management, relative to the static management, is also a research issue in China. Chen (2006) found out that in order to control the mobility of the employees and reduce the turnover and loss, the hotel should carry out the comprehensive, systematic and long-term dynamic management. Additionally, Chen advocated that investigate the hotels turnover situation, the searchers would not only investigate the external internal environment changing but also do some researches about the human resource inflow outflow and human resource flowing in the corporate at the same time. After that, Chen indicated the most important countermeasure was to establish the warning mechanism. Zhang and Wus (2004) did research about the human resources issues the hotel facing in China. It must mention that the authors analyze challenges the Chinese hotels were facing via hospitality perspectives, travel perspectives and university perspectives, and indicated the hospitality industrys expectation of education. They found that human resource challenges were playing a negative role in the development of Chinas hotel and tourism industry, the critical issue was the staff retention and human resource shortages, at the same time, the education level and the industrys expectation gap also became a thorny topic. All the organizations and the government would establish communication to enhance the graduates skills level and experiences, decrease the gap of expectation and practical operation, in order to enhance the retention rate in hotel and improve the problem of human resource shortage. According to Chinas culture, with the one-child policy, there are not enough citizens are born to supply workforce demands. In addition, the countrys relatively outdated educational system cannot lead the colleges and universities to provided outstanding human resources with types of skills in an increasingly globalized economy. One of the most important factors contributing to the high level turnover rate in hospitality industry in China is work-life balance, long hours working shift and heavy workloads instead of the technological working, especially in the front line post (Michael, 2008). The same evidence could be finding out in much of the related western hospitality and tourism industry work. Deery and Iverson (1996), Deery and Shaw (1999) and Ghiselli et al. (2001), all these research investigated the constructs like organization commitment and job satisfaction are significant elements contribute to staffs intentions to leave an organization. Additionally, work stress and pers onal attribute plays a decision role on leaving an organization (Deery M, 2008). As mentioned above, work-life balance (WLB) also is one of the influence factors that impact on the staff turnover rate in hotel (Wang and Walumbwa, 2007), while Dagger and Sweeney (2006) focus on life quality and staff turnover relationship research. 2.4 Turnover in Guangdong Province Based on the related HRM theories, such as learning organization, situational leadership, quality of working life and employee satisfaction, Chen (2007) deeply investigated the human resource management situation in one hotel in Dongguan which is a industrialized city with rapid economic growth, he got the result that no matter an international brand hotel or a local hotel, the issues of staff turnover and management brought out a series of problems in Guangdong Province. On one hand, due to the labor-intensive industry, the hospitalities have to operate with a large number of employees; On the other hand, the staffs that hard recruited were unable to retain. According to the identification of the basic turnover environment, the author analyzed the high turnover rate and the investigating the countermeasures based on the three parts: external environment, staffing department and human resource department. In Guangdong Province, many of the researchers found that training quality was a significant element on the issue of turnover in the tourism industry, especially in the hospitality industry. Dai (2005) made a hard working on doing the research about the different training approaches and quality between western countries and China, and set the Guangdongs Hotels as examples, pointed out the differences in terms of the importance of training, investment in training, training contents, training approaches and methods, and the training effectiveness and evaluation. According to Shen (2008), she also focused on investigating the important role of the training in the hospitality industry. She kept her mind on searching the hotel training effect assessment with an instance of Intercontinental Hotel in Guangdong. The author pointed out that the personnel quality would be the big issue during the management. Its meaningful influence not only present on the Human-Resource department, the whole hotel, but also on the employees themselves. One positive effect of training for the hotel, it could have a direct economic benefits, and training as an investment process on the staff. The assessment of the training can provide employees with consciousness of the hotels benefit changing based on their capacities and enhance of their senses of achievement, improved employees job satisfaction and loyalty to the hotel. According to the geographical situation in Guangdong province, its a developed area with lots of small medium enterprises as well as the hospitality industry provides a great amount of job opportunities to attract workforce from all the other provinces. It must mention that most of the workforces who live in other places go back to their hometown for the Spring Festival and its the peak period of labor-turnover (Wang, 2009). 2.5 Conclusion and research question After searching the literature with the issue of turnover in hospitality industry, and according to comparing among those researches, several similar points about the situation and reasons on the turnover can be found between Chinas hospitality industry and other countries. Although Chinas hospitality is developing with many thorny problems including staff turnover accompanied by Chinese culture. In this paper, the author aim to find out the following questions, and analyze the relationship among all the influenced factors. Accordingly, the author proposes a mode of managerial turnover cognitions set up by Carbery R. et al (Figure 1) with the purpose of helping identify the four sets of variables and define the hypotheses. The figure showed above, which identified the variables as possible of the hospitality turnover, involve Career Issues, Job Issues, Organizational Commitment and Covariates and so on. Based on the variables listed above, they can be classified into Demographic variables, Human capital variables, and Psychological variables according to this paper specific investigation of the staff turnover in the front office in hospitality. Demographic variables Age, gender and marital status are all demographic variables that influence the hospitality industry front offices staff turnover. There was a phenomenon that the a great amount of staff in front office were youth employees, almost accounts for 40% of the staff were less than 25 years old (Whiteford and Nolan 2007). And in China, in particular the loss of tourism management students of the phenomenon was particularly serious (Dou, 2009). In the research conducted by Hellman (1997), indicated that older staff was more likely represent a lower degree of mobility due to the concerned about the formal and informal benefits associated with age in the work place. On the contrary, it is important to think about whats the main reason for the highest turnover rate of the youth staff. As a result, it is hypothesized that: H1: Younger employees represent higher turnover. Human capital variables Specifically, in hotel front office, education level, working experience and salary level are related human capital variables that impact the employees turnover. Finding from human capital theory would suggest that staff with relatively higher education levels could more cognitive about their career development road relatively and could not change their current job straight away. Wong et al. (1999) found that individuals with relatively higher education levels are better informed of the external labor market and they are relatively good at comparing cons and pros with the current positions. As a result, it is hypothesized that: H2: Employees with higher levels of education attainment represent lower turnover. Psychological variables Thomas (2000) and Lamme(2005) indicated respectively working as a front line employee especially working in the front office, was a stressful job and full of challenge. Hinkin (2000) stressed the influenced factors about turnover were various, concludi
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