Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Facts, Fiction and Process Writing Essay Samples
Facts, Fiction and Process Writing Essay Samples Get the Scoop on Process Writing Essay Samples Before You're Too Late Essay writing is an arduous business when you're at college. It is also crucial for students as soon as it comes to English Language examinations. When you order a customized essay writing service, you should expect to get the essay which meets your particular requirements. When you buy an essay on the web, you really ought to pay attention to the scams out there. Some have ideas on the best way to use solarenergy or biogas to bring in power supply. Take for instance, this essay will be successfully written since there is power to continue to keep my computer on. Our site is merely one of the absolute most appropriate for essay help. Marketing your business doesn't need to be complicated. The Benefits of Process Writing Essay Samples There are various essay writing services that provide essay writing help to students from all over the world. There are some points which ought to be taken into account when selecting a superior coursework help company. A student can get online and pick an excellent writing service which provides help in a range of means. Moreover, students that are not confident in their capacity to fulfill the demands of the tutor or don't understand how to get started writing an essay, seek assistance with essay writing online. The ideal part of the five-paragraph essay is it is very flexible regarding the topic choi ce and various writing formats. The body is essentially the center of your essay or composition. When you have finished with your composition, it is exceedingly important you take a minute and read over what you have written. Then it's turn of the very first body paragraph. The duration of the essay is usually depending on the difficulty and number of steps it takes. A synthesis essay thesis functions as the principal argument of the entire paper. Pretending you don't have an essay you should write. In a variety of ways, it's much like the persuasion essay. No matter the situation, bear in mind a poorly written paragraph might give you a minimal score! The introduction or the introductory paragraph is quite a relevant facet of your essay due to the simple fact it states the major idea of your composition. Your outline also has to be split in the same number of parts as your essay. As there's an established structure for five paragraph essays one is to start with introduction. Entrust your essay writing assignment simply to professional writers that are capable to make well-written essay. Writing a wonderful descriptive essay is basically giving an in depth explanation of a particular feature or phenomenon. Writing good compositions is essential in the English Language in the feeling that it permits the student to have the ability to express what is in their mind regarding a specific matter. In here you are going to discover a great deal of helpful suggestions on essay writing process. A History of Process Writing Essay Samples Refuted Drafting a process essay can occasionally prove to be intricate and somewhat confusing for a whole lot of explanations. In fact, all kinds of writing have their own methods of influencing the knowledge of an individual. A very simple process may not require a procedure, but in the event the procedure is complex, requires consistency, contains tons of steps, or there are several opportunities for error, look at writing a procedure. There are lots of processes that you proceed through every day that you are able to write about. Cause and Effect essays are mere tools to check whether an individual can actually support a specific claim. You're predicted to persuade the readers with your arguments, so make certain you include as many supporting academic parts of evidence as you are able to. The facts that you provide should aid you in enhancing the subject so you will want to arrange them logically. For instance, if you wish to be strongly identified with the topic, then you're able to increase the amount of your arguments about the outcomes of an active event. The introduction usually comprises minimum of 3 sentences in length. In the instance of the endorsement letter, for example, it's fairly straightforward to collect examples discover that a print edition of that battery ad with Michael Jordan. After you choose the procedure you need to concentrate on, you then need to earn a list of steps needed to attain the aims of the activity. The practice of getting coursework help isn't very complicated. O k, I Think I Understand Process Writing Essay Samples, Now Tell Me About Process Writing Essay Samples! You might need a fresh appearance to comprehend the way your paper is going to be perceived by the professor. Once more, you pretend as if you don't have an essay you have to get done to pass the class. It is likely to make your essay really intriguing. You simply turned in your essay, and it's okay.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Same Sex Marriage and Children - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 522 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/02/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Same Sex Marriage Essay Did you like this example? Same sex marriage is a controversial topic debated frequently due to the perspectives of every individual. Although Gay marriage is more openly accepted, there are still some issues, and debates arising on whether Same sex marriage provides an acceptable precedent for children and teens in regards to causing unintended consequences for them. Many people have been brought up to believe that being attracted to a person from the same sex is unethical, and believe that couples do not know how to raise a baby, and that it causes consequences for the child growing up. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Same Sex Marriage and Children" essay for you Create order People should be more open to same sex marriages, and let people decide who they want to be. Marriage throughout the years has been seen as the unity between a man and a woman. For many it was seen as a big culture change not only morally, but religiously as well, and that is why parts of the population believe that the ability to procreate is solemnly available for heterosexual couples. Their beliefs are derived from religion, because same sex marriage goes against their scriptures which is why they worry that the upbringing of children conceived or adopted by these couples may be at risk for uncalled for consequences like bullying, or not having a mom or dad figure like most children with heterosexual parents would. Connections with a father figure and/or mother figure are very important in a traditional religious household because many aspects that have to do with gender are considered private. Other than not having a person to rely on with emotional support children have to endure criticism from the people surrounding them because of their personal beliefs and it may be their traditions as well. People with stricter views in regards to religion believe that this would not be an issue if all couples would be heterosexual. Their opinion is that the children require both figures in order for the family to be triumphant. Although 37% of americans oppose same sex marriage 62% support same-sex marriage. This being based on their desire to implement equality, the majority of the population have accepted the evolving of society as a whole in regards to sexual orientation, regardless of their religion or the traditions they follow. The majority do not view sexuality as an interference in raising a child, as they assimilated the present-day definition of a couple. Society has begun to see the benefits rather than just the cons of homosexuals raising children. Gay parents also have the right to raise a child in a loving environment, many of them do because they lacked they may have lacked that connection with their parents or family members. Although it might seem different seeing same sex couples raise a child that does not take away from their parenting skills and what they want for their family. 62% of those americans who support same sex marriage believe that parents of same sex can give their family th e same needs as an opposite sex couple. Parents can give their offspring a new way to see life, rather than following stricter traditions. Allowing their offspring to see the world through a different perspective.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Adoption, Domestic And International Adoption Essay
Melissa Bannon Mrs. Munsie College Writting 12-14-16 Many people want to have their own children, but what are other options? Adoption gets helpless children out of the foster care system, but having their own child gives them a better connection. Three reasons why parents should adopt is because it helps get kids out of foster care, adopted families have all the same rights as families formed from birth, and adopting a child helps parents start a family if they can’t get pregnant. Although some people think that having their own child is better, adoption is better because it gives children new and permanent homes, also it helps parents start a family. Furthermore, adoption is a way for children who cannot be cared for by their birth parents to become members of another family. There are two different types of adoption, Domestic and International adoption. Domestic adoption is when a child is born in a country and adopted in the same country. International adoption is when a child living in one country is adopted by a family li ving in a different country.â€Å"Through adoption, children’s legal ties with their birth parents are needed so they can begin a relationship approved by law with their adoptive parents.†(Adoption) Adoption helps provide children with new and permanent homes. â€Å"Each year, 130,000 children are adopted, increasingly from other countries.†(Adoption) As you can see many children have benefitted from the adoption process, 130,000 children are now happy inShow MoreRelatedEssay about Domestic vs International Adoption1405 Words  | 6 PagesIn todays society, the idea of adoption is an open and welcome one. However, the biggest decision in adoption today is whether to adopt domestically or internationally. There is a very large growing trend in international adoptions today. Compared to adoption rates in 1987, in 2004 international adoptions had risen over 200% as compared to an 8% rise in domestic adoptions. After World War II, international adoptions beg an to rise because Americans began adopting European and Japanese war orphansRead MoreAdoption Of The Safe Haven Law888 Words  | 4 PagesIndividuals in Charleston, South Carolina who are interested in the domestic adoption of an infant, or birth parents who are interested in making an adoption plan, should visit an adoption attorney who is familiar with the adoption laws in the state of South Carolina. The Safe Haven Law If you are having difficulty caring for your child, but you are not ready to make an adoption plan, as long as your baby is less than 31 days old, you should consider taking advantage of the Safe Haven law. ThisRead MoreTaking a Look at the Institution of Adoptions1716 Words  | 7 Pages Many people are familiar with the story of Moses; a Jesuit saved from death as a baby and taken in by the Pharaoh’s daughter in Egypt. The idea of adoption is age old, as revealed by the centuries that have passed since the time of Moses. Adoption was mostly domestic, meaning that they took place in the same area or country of the adopter. Flash forward a couple thousand years to 1939 and the early-to-middle 1940s. The battles of World War II were extremely shattering to the countries involvedRead MoreThe Different Types Of Adoption1680 Words  | 7 PagesThe Different Types of Adoption Approximately five million Americans alive today are adoptees. Having the opportunity to adopt has given many families the chance to have a family on their own that they may not have been able to have before. Although it benefits the parents who are adopting it also helps the birth mother tremendously. There are several ways to adopt. Parents who want to adopt should choose the best option for them while birth mothers should be more educated so they can be sure toRead MoreChildren Aging Out Of The Foster Care System1615 Words  | 7 Pagesliving without a family and a stable relief system. International adoption, although often in the limelight, is on a slight decline and domestic adoption is increasing. Despite the fact that the percentage of people considering any form of adoption has decreased from 2007 to 2013, the percentage of foster care adoptions has experienced more growth than international and private adoptions (â€Å"BAAF Adoption Survey†). In the United States, domestic adoption needs to have increased importance placed upon itRead MoreThe Determinants For The Adoption Of A Broad Environmental913 Words  | 4 Pagesor wide scope. From the angle of environmental protection, this Chapter seeks to explore the determinants for the adoption of a broad environmental exception in China’s IITs. The determinants first of all come from the domestic needs regulating foreign investments. The Ralls case illustrated the increasing review of foreign investments through domestic instruments. And the domestic regulations on foreign investors also prove to be increasing in China especially on the national security and environmentalRead More International Adoption Essay example1739 Words  | 7 PagesInternational Adoption      When a mission team from south Florida arrived in Camp Haitia, they saw what to them was the most poverty stricken land on earth. Some of the men were literally ill at the sight of the filth in the rivers, on the land, and covering the children. Because Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world, families do not even have enough to provide for their children, and many of them are left to fend for themselves. The mission team witnessed them bathing in pollutedRead MoreThe Impact Of Ifrs Adoption On Accounting Quality And Its Implication Essay1105 Words  | 5 PagesSince the establishment of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), there has been a heated debate over the effect of IFRS adoption on accounting quality and its implication. Understanding the role IFRS plays in enhancing the quality of accounting information, not only policy-makers and securities regulators can appropriately decide on which accounting standard to be implemented but t he investors can also re-examine the reliability of accounting information provided by firms applyingRead MoreAdoption Is A Important For Children994 Words  | 4 Pages Adoption Adoption is a practice that is as old as time. It was spoken of in the Bible and has been proven as a successful way to make sure unwanted children get a home and family. Adoption can be a positive experience for those who cannot have a child and want to provide a loving environment. There are some who feel that people should take responsibility for their actions if they have the child. While I do agree with accountability, sometimes being a parent is realizing when the better option forRead MoreWhy Russian Businesses Use Technologies1506 Words  | 7 Pagestheir competitors. State and policy support is crucial for the successful adoption of technologies by firms. The case of Russia is no exception. Russia possesses a sophisticated scientific and technology base, but the rates of adoption of technologies in Russian business remain formidably low. Only a broad government-based innovation policy can help Russian businesses to move forward and to become a part of the international h igh-tech business community. Explaining how and why Russian businesses
Friday, May 15, 2020
Case Study Hw 3 A Resource Technology Essay - 1111 Words
Case study HW 3 Question 1 As a whole Pinterest is a sustainable technology. It allows people to draw connections between information when people place pins, and resulting pins create a pool of information. People can post personal pictures and info allowing complete strangers to interact on the web over common ideas. The share ideas break down barriers that in the past would have blocked the connection. while the Pinterest is a powerful piece of technology it is not without its faults, the site has put its users in danger of litigation from copyright infringement where the users have posted photos from protected sites. Most information of value is posted with securities to ensure that sites retain the users and monetary value of access but, Pinterest has taken users with its user-friendly interface. In the end viewers don’t care where the info comes from and that mentality will cause rivalries between the sites to emerge and ultimately the users will suffer. With all its fault Pinterest is still a sust ainable technology, and as time passes the users will demanded that they keep the access that they have become accustomed to. The initial barriers of copyrights will become less and less powerful as people gain more and more access because the courts will not have the time to decide the outcomes of these cases with thousands upon thousands being places every second. Question 2 Pinterest by far is a Web 2.0 the level of interaction between users has surpassed the â€Å"readable†Show MoreRelatedBusiness: International Trade and Comparative Advantage1029 Words  | 5 PagesHOMEWORK 11 (Last HW – Due 4/28) Read the Logitech case and answer the following questions. 1: In a world without trade, what would happen to the costs that American consumers would have to pay for Logitech’s products? 2: Explain how trade lowers the costs of making computer peripherals such as mice and keyboards. 3: Use the theory of comparative advantage to explain the way in which Logitech has configured its global operations. Why does the company manufacture in China and Taiwan, undertakeRead MoreMgt2 Task 2 Part C2694 Words  | 11 Pagesread the details of the entire report. What were the success criteria or expected benefits and were they met? They want to know what the project was about; what was delivered, how effectively was it delivered, and what has been learned from it. 3) Deliverables\Milestones - (Project Sponsor, other Key Internal Stakeholders) The list of deliverables from the Project Scope should be listed, as well as, whether or not they were met and any worthwhile notes about the process. The scope milestonesRead MoreBusiness Intelligence Plan1587 Words  | 7 Pagesimplementation of IS systems intended to diminish security risks. The anticipated audiences of this BI plan are chief information officers (CIO) and chief information security officers (CISO). Senior management has an obligation to streamline information technology (IT) budgets, defend spending, and augment service delivery and efficiency (NASCIO, 2008). BI plans are usually comprised of (a) software, hardware, network, and associated infrastructure; (b) data analyses applications; and, (c) a portal or dashboardRead MoreCorporate Communication Strategies For A Small Sized Enterprise1757 Words  | 8 Pagesto support corporate development in a small sized Information Technology Company. The best practices used by the Organization to improvise Organiz ational communication are thoroughly observed, and also the non-performing aspects within the communication channel are pointed out. The report further recommends the ways which can help improve the company manage its communication system. â€Æ' Introduction The purpose of this report is to study the corporate communication strategies presently employed inRead MoreMGT2 Task3 Essay5051 Words  | 21 PagesMGT2 Task 3 Task A: Addendum to the Risk Assessment Matrix: Description of Risks Impact Likelihood of Occurrence (L,M,H) Degree of Impact (L,M,H) Initial Action to Take if Event Occurs Team Member Responsible Strategies for Prevention and Mitigation Widespread security breach due to unauthorized access to sensitive customer information Negative publicity of the company and loss of credibility in the eyes of existing and potential customers impacting overall business M H Take immediate actionRead MoreServer Virtualization: a Method to Maximize Return on Investment2708 Words  | 11 Pages(Overby, 2007). Therefore, utilizing server virtualization represents a significant cost savings for organizations. The following three basic technologies are used to implement server virtualization: full virtualization, OS partitioning, and paravirtualization. (see Figure 1) Full virtualization uses the hypervisor to fully imitate all of the hardware resources of a physical server. The operating systems installed in a fully virtualized environment function as if they are the only operating systemRead MoreIzmir, Turkey - the Pearl of the Aegean4857 Words  | 20 Pagesthis is the point when seismic waves have been released from the central core or epicenter of the earthquake (HDN, 2014). Across the United States and various other more advanced countries such as China and Japan there does exist more advanced technologies which detect moderate to large earthquakes so quickly even prior to an earthquakes arrival (HDN, 2014). Currently there exists two (2) models of Earthquake Early Warning systems (EEWs), the single station approach and the network approach (NGRead MoreStudy on Customer Services of Restaurents in Hyderabad6722 Words  | 27 PagesA Study on CUSTOMER SERVICES OF RESTAURENTS IN HYDERABAD [pic] By DINESH YEPURU Roll no: 2T1-14 PGDM Under the guidance of Sri.M.Chaithanya Asst.professor, Marketing A ProjectRead MoreAn Analysis Of Society s Usage Of Google For Self Diagnosis3666 Words  | 15 PagesSociety’s Usage of Google for Self-Diagnosis Michelle Cheung University of California, Irvine Author Note Michelle Cheung, University of California, Irvine, School of Social Sciences, cheungm3@uci.edu, SS3A HW ID #385 Table of Contents î ¿ ¿Background and Significance Methods Review of Resources and Existing Literature. Popular Press Sources. General Reference Sources. Academic/Peer Reviewed Sources. Existing Data, Tables, and Figures. Results Discussion Conclusionî ¿ ¾ [When you have finished editingRead MoreThe Impact of Municipal Solid Waste on the Environment2917 Words  | 12 Pagescivil action. Our goal will be to achieve an integrated solid waste management, in order to go toward a sustainable future (Wright 506). First, lets have an approach to the concept of consumption which refers to the goods, services, energy, and resources that are used by people, institutions, and societies (Giddens et al. 611). It is a phenomenon with both positive and negative dimensions (Giddens et al. 611). On the one hand, rising levels of consumption around the world mean that people are living
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Organ Donation - 2096 Words
Get him into the O.R. stat! After applying yourself to be a recipient for a donation, you will be added to the waiting list for that organ. This can take months, if not years. Receiving an organ can be sudden whenever an organ match has been found for you. We should reevaluate organ donation due to someone’s personal religion, inability to benefit the poor, numerous hospital visits, and potential endangerment to their own well being. Therefore, in 2009, organ transplants became a demand everywhere so abruptly that countless nationalities began selling their organs in return for money (HRSA 1). Eighty-one percent of commercial living donors (CLDs) in Egypt spent their â€Å"Kidney money†within five months after their donation (Budiani-Saberi†¦show more content†¦Krasnolutska also states that the Israeli-eastern European organ-trafficking rings extended their reach to the United States. In July 2009, the Justice Department charged Levy Rosenbaum, an Israeli in N ew York, with conspiracy of human organ trafficking. A Federal Bureau of Investigation agent caught Rosenbaum offering a kidney for $160,000 (Budiani-Saberi 37). Laws designed to prevent trafficking are currently unsuccessful. While prosecutors in places such as Israel, Brazil, Kosovo and Ukraine have successfully eliminated some of the organ-trading gangs, they’re still fighting powerful economic forces. â€Å"As long as there’s a worldwide shortage of legal donors for life-saving transplants, the exploitation of the poor will only grow. Unless governments around the world enforce existing laws on prohibiting procedures, the traffickers will continue to cultivate a growing legion of impoverished organ sellers who end up with an immense wad of cash,†says Glovin (Budiani-Saberi 39-40). As a result, suspicions of organ trades between Hong Kong and China in 1989 caused the Tiananmen Square massacre arose. The Amnesty International noted an increase in Chinaâ€℠¢s submissions for the death penalty, and reported on the use of executed prisoners’ organs without their consent. Dr. Ronald D. Guttman, a McGill University professor, showed that after 1989, about ninety percent of China’s transplants came from executed prisoners. Along with Ronald Guttman was Forsythe stating thatShow MoreRelated Organ Donation Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation is a topic which contains many conflicting views. To some of the public population organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another, to some it is mistrusted and to others it is not fully understood. There are some techniques that can be used to increase donation. Of these techniques the most crucial would be being educated. If the life threatening and the critical shortage of organs was fully understood by the public, organ donation wouldRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Donations Essay1323 Words  | 6 PagesPreviously organ donation has encountered organ donors and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands decreased as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives, the significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result organ donation mission is toRead MoreOrgan Donation. â€Å"Organ Donation Is Not A Tragedy, But It1112 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation â€Å"Organ donation is not a tragedy, but it can be a beautiful light, in the midst of one†(Unknown). There has been many disbeliefs about donating your organs over the years. The organ demand drastically exceeds the available supply, which is why more people need to be organ donors. People should become organ donors because of the limited availability of organs and the chance to save many lives. Although many people think that if you are an organ donor doctors won’t try as hard toRead MoreOrgan Donation And Organ Organs Essay1308 Words  | 6 PagesOrgan donations have encountered organ donor and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands increase as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation’s mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives. The significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result, the mission of organ donations are toRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Organs1054 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation occurs when a failing or damaged organ, is replaced with a new organ, through a surgical operation. The two sources of organs for donation come from a deceased person and a living person. The organs that are received from a deceased person are called cadaveric organs. A person can indicate on his or her driver’s license if they want to be an organ donor after they die. There are some states that allow for family consent for organ removal, regardless if the deceasedRead MoreIs Organ Donation Or Not?1486 Words  | 6 Pageswill happen if they ever donate their organ/s or tissue’s. Most look upon people who donate organ/s as generous. Others even applaud them for being a lifesaver. The question that lingers on many: Is it proper to charge for the organ donations or not? According to the Mayo Clinic, in United States alone, over 100,000 individuals are in the offing for an organ donation. Regrettably, several individuals may at no time procure the bid that a fit benefactor of an organ matches his or her one more wagerRead MoreOrgan Donation1163 Words  | 5 PagesBut by becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say â€Å"I will save a life.†Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. Unfortunately, the number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. Patients are forced to wait months, even years for a match, and far too many die before they are provided with a suitable organ. There are many shamesRead Moreorgan donation1007 Words  | 5 Pagesyou would help someone after you have passed on. Organ and tissue donation is a topic that does not get enough attent ion. Ninety-five percent of Americans say that they support donation yet the number of registered donors is much smaller (www.organdonor.gov). Anyone can sign up to be a donor. After death you can donate your organs. Each day 18 people will die waiting on organs. Tissues are also able to be donated. The age of donation do not matter. Some mothers donate the blood of theRead MoreOrgan Donation1237 Words  | 5 PagesSpecific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old whenRead MoreOrgan Donation2032 Words  | 9 PagesOrgan Donation Pros and Cons Organ donation is a noble act that makes a positive difference to the lives of many people by enabling them to lead a longer and a healthful life. Here s a bit about the pros and cons of donating vital organs and tissues of one s body. Quick Fact As an organ donor, you can actually save more than one life. In fact, a single donor may make a difference to the lives of about fifty people. Human organ failure has a long history. Since a long time, people have been
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Discrimination On Race And Racism - 1740 Words
Discrimination on Race Racism is very much still alive in the United States and it affects all people, but mainly one certain group. Racism destroys dreams and hopes for the victims that have been discriminated against and have sadly lost their lives as well. African Americans have less opportunities and chances to prove that they can also do good to some to the word instead of stereotypical judging them. White Americans, not all but the racist only, most likely believe that if you are different you have no power. Many white Americans might also believe that they are superior which means that they have the â€Å"power†to do or say whatever they feel like they can to other people of color. They must not have been taught manners because â€Å"if you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything at all†. Most of the racism that still occurs happens most often in the southern states because of the history that is there. Racism began back when the African Ameri cans were sold to white Americans for slavery by the Dutch. The North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619 was were the first African American slaves. â€Å"Slavery was practiced throughout the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries, and African-American slaves helped build the economic foundations of the new nation. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 solidified the central importance of slavery to the South’s economy†(History.com). Slavery was one of the worst things to happen to any humanShow MoreRelatedRacism, Race, And Discrimination Essay1650 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout this class, Religion, Race, and Discrimination in America, we have learned how racism came about with many different theories. Religion can be defined as, a belief or worship in a higher power, normally a God or Gods. Race can be defined as social grouping or form of peoplehood that is marked by traits that are perceived to be biologically inherited. (Prentiss Introd uction, slide 9) With race and religion people or groups of people can justify the discrimination of others because other groupsRead MoreRacism Is Defined As Discrimination Against Someone Of A Different Race1302 Words  | 6 PagesRacism is defined as discrimination against someone of a different race based on the beliefs that one’s own race is superior (Oxford Dictionary). Racism has existed since the beginning of time, coming to light during slavery in the sixteenth century and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s. However, racism is still prevalent in today’s society and is a topic that needs to be further addressed and discussed. According to the article, â€Å"Slavery in America†on the website History, slavery beganRead MoreRacism : Discrimination Or Antagonism Directed Against Someone Of A Different Race1636 Words  | 7 PagesRacism: discrimination or antagonism directed against someone of a different race. Even though The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel about a young boy the story has an underlying message of the truth of racism. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel set in the late eighteen hundreds hundreds and is considered by many the quintessential American novel. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a highly controversial book with many supporters and many hecklers. Some consider the book toRead MoreRacism, Prejudice, Or Discrimination Against Someone Else Of A Different Race Or Religion?1226 Words  | 5 PagesRacism is defined as â€Å"Prejudice, or discrimination against someone else of a different race or religion.†(Dictionary.com) The way literature app roaches racism is by the way they display the characters within the story. Since the author won’t get through to people if they just simply say that a person was racist, they use characters such as Tom Robinson from To Kill a Mocking Bird. Or from a modern point of view, racism isn’t always up front to someone’s face it can also be from social media, becauseRead MoreRace Theory And The Statistical Discrimination Theory1086 Words  | 5 Pagesconcept of race in modern world that is generally accepted by the public is different groups of people that share the same genetic divergences that are observable (Phenotype) (wiki). The most prominent example is the classification system use by the U.S Government: White (Caucasoid); Black (Congoid); Asian (Mongoloid); Native and Hispanic. This system adheres the modern race concept as all of the classifications are based on phenotypes of different people. Some older concepts of race are based onRead MoreRacism : Racism A nd Racial Discrimination1425 Words  | 6 PagesRacism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among different racial groups. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualitiesRead MoreEssay on Defining Racial Discrimination?775 Words  | 4 PagesFor discrimination to occur both power and prejudice need to come together, forming barriers that oppress a person or group of people deemed inferior. Discrimination can be intentional or unintentional. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines racism, as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities, and produces an inherent superi ority of a particular race. Racial discrimination refers to discriminatory actions based on race or skin color. Racial discrimination canRead MoreThe Difference Between Race And Racism Essay1037 Words  | 5 Pages Understanding the difference between race and racism is a very controversial topic. Even I am trying to understand the difference between the two words. When individuals think about race the first word that comes to mind is racism, I would think its the same, but it’s not. When exploring the web to differentiate the meaning of these two words, one-word that keeps popping up is â€Å"racism†. The words are so similar which makes this topic difficult to write about, but as my English teacher CoarleeRead MoreSocial Problems Associated With Racial Discrimination1209 Words  | 5 Pagesother races solely because they are different racially and culturally. Body Paragraphs: II: Basic Information on the Issue A: According to Encyclopedia Britannica, race is determined by physical and personality traits, intellect, morality, and culture (â€Å"Racism†). Racial discrimination is discriminating someone based on their race or religion (â€Å"Racism/Color Discrimination†) or prejudice against an individual or group of people of a different race because of the belief that one’s own race is superiorRead MoreRacism And Racism1199 Words  | 5 Pages In the United States there has always been accounts of racism with the most severe being against Black minorities. â€Å"Racism has been described as beliefs, attitudes, and individual and systemic approaches that degrade people based on the color of their skin,†(Graham Roemer, 2016, p. 369). These thoughts and attitudes have dated as far back as the 17th century where Whites heavily discriminate against Blacks because of the color of their skin. In history it has been stated by White Americans that
Fighting Drug Cartels On The Americas - 712 Words
Committee: UNODC Country: Nigeria Topic: Fighting Drug Cartels in the Americas Delegate: Angel Rivera Fighting Drug Cartels in the Americas Background Drug cartels have arisen as a major crisis for the future in the Americas. Individuals indulge themselves on drugs for many reasons such as tradition, attempting to escape poverty, and generating revenue for rebellious activities. Drug trafficking has proven to be ludacris, with the increasing involvement of corrupt government officials in their distribution. The UN has stated the approximate estimation of profits of drug trade is roughly around $150 billion alone in the Americas, which accounts slightly less than 5% GDP. Currently the most common way of drug transport is land through Central American countries like Mexico, and it eventually crosses over the border to the United States. II. UN Involvement The United Nations has kept a vibrant presence in Latin America as a way to combat issues such as inequality, poverty, prevention of domestic violence and gender violence, along with actions to reduce cartel interactions with Latin American society and infrastructures. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have detailed reports regarding various drugs and the progress made to eliminate their production. The main countries monitored by this report are Colombia and Peru, as they are the largest producers of cocaine globally. In Colombia, government records displayed proof of various regions being sprayed inShow MoreRelatedMovements Rising from Drug Cartels in Mexico1277 Words  | 5 PagesFelipe Calderon decided to send 45,000 soldiers and 5,000 federal police to the state of Michoacà ¡n to eradicate the drug trafficking. He also fired hundreds of dishonest police officers. The drug trafficking movement is not a new movement. It has been existed for many decades, but now it is expanding further due to the born of new drug trafficking organizations or cartels. The cartels fight against each other to win control or to open new trafficking routes into the United States, on their fightsRead MoreThe Zetas vs. Sinaloa Cartel1419 Words  | 6 PagesProject Final Draft The War between the two major drug cartels in Mexico, Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Drug Cartel, has exploded to new extremes and is now affecting multiple countries. There are multiple cartels in Mexico who control certain sections of the country, but all have aligned with one or the other of the two Goliaths. This war started over the drug routes stemming from southern Mexico to the United States of America. The Sinaloa Cartel has controlled these routes for many decades; howeverRead MoreThe High Cost of Drugs972 Words  | 4 Pages Heres a look at what I believe more people need to know about the Mexican Drug War and Cartel. The Mexican drug cartels have been like a disease spreading like a wild fire all over Mexico over the years. The Mexican government has been fighting a war with drug traffickers for a long time. Also, drug cartels have been fighting with each other for control of territories in Mexico. Over 60,000 people have been killed from 2006 to 2012, according to H uman Rights Watch. Many people have been robbedRead MoreDrug Cartel Violence And Mexico1616 Words  | 7 PagesI told you the drug cartel violence in Mexico is still one of the largest drug distributions in the world. The drug cartel violences taking place in Mexico have been going on for many years now and nobody has really tried to put a stop to it. Although Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades, their influences have increased. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illegal drug market. Arrests of key cartel leaders have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fight for controlRead MoreThe Impact Of Latin American Culture On Latin America1656 Words  | 7 Pagesin an active war zone, living in Latin America would be much like that. The war being fought here is very different, instead of fighting another country, they are fighting drugs. Although war is generally a negative thing, this one is not. In this war there are negatives, but the positive s far outweigh them. Latin American countries have witnessed the very noticeable benefits of the drug trade in many aspects of everyday life. The use and production of drugs is important to Latin American cultureRead MoreMexican Drug War Outline816 Words  | 4 PagesCarpenter, Ted. Undermining Mexico’s Dangerous Drug Cartels. Cato Institute. N.p.. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt;http://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/undermining-mexicos-dangerous-drug-cartelsgt;. Al-Eryani, Ausan. Mexico’s drug war effects US as well. Collegiate Times. Virginia Tech. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt;http://www.collegiatetimes.com/stories/18328/mexicos-drug-war-effects-us-as-well/p2gt;. Grillo, Ioan. US troops aid Mexico in drug war. Global Post. N.p.. Web. 23 Jul 2013Read MoreCausal Analysis Of Mexico And Theu.s.1440 Words  | 6 PagesOver the past decade drug cartels has had a free flow through Central America to import illegal drugs to the U.S. Even with a strict drug policy drugs are still crossing the Mexican border. Due to corruption and political influence drug cartels are able to manipulate the government to go undetected. The drug cartel is infamous for their ability to kidnapped, corrupt, and kill anyone trying to crackdown or expose any operation. Due to this corruption within local governments drug activity has been ableRead MoreThe Problem Of Illegal Immigration1046 Words  | 5 PagesRecently, illegal immigration has been a major issue that has affected many civilians in America. This problem has been made from migrates who try to enter the country of America without any form of identification, currency, education, or medical stability. These im migrants also bring disease, drugs, weapons, and cartels. The main problem America is having with illegal immigrants is that they are difficult to provide for. Many migrants are using the government as a source of income. Our economy canRead Moreâ€Å"The War On Drugs Is A Big Fucking Lie†. In Recent History,1560 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The war on drugs is a big fucking lie†In recent history, there has been much rhetoric surrounding the eradication of cross-border drug trafficking. The â€Å"war on drugs†was introduced in the 1970s by Nixon, who wanted to eliminate the drugs coming into the United States, since they were seen by him as a threat to our nation. Many laws have been enacted with the purpose keeping illicit drugs out of the United States, yet they do so through the use of nativist ideology, which upholds white supremacyRead MoreThe United States Of America1419 Words  | 6 PagesThere a War Going on; but Who Fighting It? Within nine months of 2011 nearly 13,000 people were killed, not include the other 5,000 people reported missing accord to the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico, these incomprehensible numbers leave tens of thousands of children orphaned by the violence due to the drug war. With so many confirmed deaths, and disappearances, it may lead people to ask why the United States of America should get involved in the drug war going on in Mexico. To protect
An Essay on Why Prostitution Should Be Legalized Free Essays
Prostitution should be legalized Prostitution was estimated to date back to at least 2400 B. C, along with doctor, scribe, barber and cook (Little known facts in the prostitution debate, n. d. We will write a custom essay sample on An Essay on Why Prostitution Should Be Legalized or any similar topic only for you Order Now ). Despite this length of service, whether sex industry should be legalized or not is still a controversial issue that takes a lot of time to find the best decision. In my opinion prostitution should be legalized for a better prostitutes’ working condition, for a lower sexually transmitted diseases rates and an enhanced power of governments toward this job. To begin with, prostitution’s legalization with rules setting prostitutes’ rights and duties will help to provide them with a better working condition. In present situation, sex workers are being treated in a subhuman way. Suraya, a sex worker was reported to have been beaten, threaten by a knife, raped many times, stolen all money and finally thrown out of the car by her own customer (Pauw and Brener,1998). Not only be customers’ victims, prostitutes also are exploited by their pimps.Kudlow (2006) found that â€Å"even though the girls take home the cash, make no mistakes, the pimp gets all the money. There is no such thing as a commission, percentage, cut, kickback, or dividend†. Moreover, according to Fighting sexual exploitation and trafficking in Indonesia (2004), in Indonesia, one third of sex workers are being underage girls. These girls have not grown up both physical part and mental part, but they are swept into this job too early, which can turn them to a disastrous end. These raw facts, which are requiring for an urgent action from the government, set an alarm to wake us up. If there is an official legalization along with rules setting about prostitutes’ rights and duties, the pimps will no longer be able to coerce these sex workers, these workers can receive their salary fairly and underage girls will be prevented from entering this job too early. Secondly, prostitution’s legalization with rules requiring periodic health checks will help to reduce sexually transmitted rates through this service.Sexually transmitted diseases, which are haunting a number of infected people and their families, are all society’s interest. The sex industry’s legalization with a requirement to access periodic health checks is an intelligent method for this problem. Prostitutes with sexually transmitted rates will be found out and treated in time, and also the number of people catching diseases through prostitution will be reduced. Some third countries have gained a significant fall in sexually transmitted rates in this way such as Kenya and Senegal.After the prostitution’s legalization, the number of condoms used by sex workers in Kenya had increased to more than 80%. In Senegal, by special clinical services such as offering regular examinations and treatments for registered prostitutes, HIV prevalence among pregnant women had fallen into under 1% (Steen, as cited in Liberator, 2005). Obviously, prostitution’s decriminalization with rules requiring periodic health checks is the best way to lower STDs rates through prostitution as well as improve the social health.Finally, present laws with its prohibition against selling sex have not come up with people’s expectation. Almost everywhere in the United States, sex workers and their customers are penalized for what they did as consenting adults. However, after having paid the fines, sex workers come back to streets with their work and no decrease in the number of them has been reported. Also in this review of legalization’s benefits, they added that â€Å"Making prostitution legal will allow the act to be managed instead of ignored†.In addition to this situation, present laws do not provide prostitutes with enough protection. A prostitute murder confessed to have killed a total of forty eight sex workers â€Å"because he knew he would not be held accountable†and it took police 20 years to detect his crime (Ditmore, 2007). Some people may argue that prostitutes and their job break the society’s morality. This opinion only focuses on the merit of the surface, considering prostitutes as criminals and criticizing them, not regarding to the fact that they are also human, they also have to labor inturn of money.According to a survey (Lobert, n. d. ) named â€Å"What do you need†conducted among prostitutes, 78% need home and safe places, 58% need health care and 42% need legal assistance. These girls are living in a subhuman life, they are requiring all basic needs. Moreover, prostitution will always exist because its serving important function in societies (Kingsley Davis, as cited in Kendall, 1998). Without customers’ demand, prostitution would no longer be able to continue. Consequently, prostitutes deserve to work under the laws’ patronage.In conclusion, based on the real situations, prostitution should be legalized. Along with the legalization, there will be rules setting about allowed age, working condition and health check requirement. This legalization not only brings about a better working condition for those sex workers, but also contributes to reduce sexually transmitted diseases, and thus build up a better world. References Kendall, D. E. (1998). Social problems in a diverse society. Chapter 7, p. 136, p. 141. United States. Kudlow, M. (2006). Selling sex. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from http://thegauntlet. ca/story/10365 Liberator, M. (2005). Legalized prostitution: Regulating the oldest profession. Retrieved November 21, 2009 from http://liberator. net/articles/prostitution. html Little known facts in the prostitution debate (n. d. ). Retrieved November 21, 2009, from http://prostitution. procon. org/view. resource. php? resourceID=000116 Lobert, A. (n. d. ). Prostitution statistics-the real truth. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from http://powerhouse-ministry. rg/annielobert_prostitution. aspx Pauw, I. Brener, L. (1997). Naming the danger of working on the street, p. 80. Agenda Feminist Media. Available online at http://www. jstor. org/pss/4066227 Raymond, J. Ditmore, M. (2007). Debating legalized prostitution. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from http://humantrafficking. org/updates/643 UNICEF (n. d. ). Fighting sexual exploitation and trafficking in Indonesia. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from http://www. unicef. org/infobycountry/indonesia_23650. html How to cite An Essay on Why Prostitution Should Be Legalized, Essays
Management and Organizations CSR
Question: Discuss about theManagement and Organizationsfor CSR. Answer: Introduction The business of today is challenged by certain factors; however, some of the factors have become extremely crucial for the management and for the organizations to take into consideration. Of all the challenges and pressures, which the modern business is facing, CSR and change management are the two most challengeable factors for the organizations. Different organizations are putting different aspects and thinking behind maintaining and attaining the pressures with the utmost solutions; however, they are not capable of finding a robust solution against the identified problem (Miles 2012). The main purpose of the assignment is to analyze the potentiality the two identified pressures and its counter solutions from the mangers and the organizations. The pressure of CSR can be identified with the stakeholder theory, which governs the necessity of ethical behaviours towards all the stakeholders. The stakeholder theory did govern that all the stakeholders are needed to be treated ethically in order to prevent any criticism from them. This is indeed is happening at higher rates in most of the companies. Company like Unilever could not sustain a uniform performance towards its stakeholders. Different companies have different definitions for its stakeholders (Rice 2013). Unilever has put customers at the top position in the list of stakeholders followed by employees. However, the Company has been criticised for their below than standard level in maintaining the CSR by attaining the highest operation of stakeholder management. Some of the incidents are such that in Pakistan when the Company was blamed for underpaying the minimum wages to the labours. The Company did pay the partial of the actual amount of the minimum wages to the labou rs. In addition to this, they also hired part timers in place of some permanent employees. The move was to reduce the expenditures on employees as part timers used to work hard for less payment. The above-mentioned incident does really prove that Unilever did not maintain a CSR approach towards its labours. This is one of those problems, which states the toughness of maintaining the CSR successfully in the organizational practices. Indeed, Unilever is a giant Company. Despite of the fact, the Company could not prevent it from being criticised from the employees. The common people are more aware of the CSR, which is making this a necessity for the organization to consider the CSR approaches to the utter possibilities (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Change management is perhaps the biggest pressure, which the organizations have on their head. The present world of business, their requirement to be competitive in the market and the globalization are some of the factors, which are encouraging the changes to be made. The requirement of change in the organization can also be understand from the theoretical perspectives of the Lewins change model, which facilitate the process of change in three stages. The three stages, which the Lewin had spoken about contains unfreeze, change and refreeze (Mintzberg 2012). The mentioned three stages are very important for bringing up and realizing the requirement of changes in the organization. The Unfreeze stage did cover the understanding of the requirement of the change in the organization. This also governs a fact that change is inevitable from organizational perspectives. Once the stage has been prepared for the change by identifying the required changes in the organization, it is now time to b ring the changes into effect. This is the second stage in the Lewins model, which governs the required change process in the organization. The implementation of the required changes is then followed by the refreeze stage, which governs the solidification of the changes made into the organizational practices (Drori, Hllerer and Walgenbach 2013). The requirement of change in the organization is because of the competitiveness in the market, which indeed is the production of globalization. Globalization has brought enormous competition in the market. The companies influenced by the globalization are entering into different new markets, which are posing enormous competition in the local market. The competition in between the organizations have found a new definition, which is importantly been done by the globalization activities (Alvesson and Willmott 2012). The desire to change is influenced by several factors such as globalization. The enhanced competition in the market has produced an enormous urgency for irrespective of the companies especially to the multinational companies to bring some organizational changes to be in the competition. Companies can never afford to be stagnant with their operations; they rather need flexibility with the requirement of the time. This is one such point, which facilitates the relation of the c urrent organizational practices with the Lewins Change model (Hatch and Cunliffe 2013). The managers need to follow some necessary guidelines to bear the pressure of CSR related requirements of stakeholders. The adherence to legal and ethical guidelines is necessary to earn the acclamation on CSR from the stakeholders. The adherence would help the organizations in biding and sticking to their fundamentals. An action governed ethically can never produce negative consequences on the stakeholders. The agreement with the different kinds of stakeholders, which the Company sign with irrespective kinds of stakeholders at the time of selection, needs to be scrutinised under a strict governance of ethical guidelines. This is helpful in operating the actions in accordance to the set organizational objectives (Hill, Jones and Schilling 2014). The change management can well be guided to the right direction if it is done in the governance of Lewins change model. Lewins model governs a solid way to approach towards the change process. In the present scenarios of growing competition in the market, companies are needed to be careful while planning the changes. The measurement of benefit, which the required changes can bring, is essential prior to the change process. This is because of the fact that the requited changes might not be feasible with the organizational management for several reasons such as financial reasons (Fayol 2016). This is indeed is much important to measure the feasibility and the resultant success from the steps. This is advisable to prevent the management from experiencing any big losses. After identifying and measuring the probable success of the change process, it then becomes important for the organization to plan for its execution. This is helpful in minimizing the risks of application. This is much i mportant that an organization takes a controlled approach rather than a haphazard approach. After implementing the actions needed for the execution of changes in the organization, it now becomes necessary to adapt to the created changes in the organization. This is necessary for harmonizing the changes in the organizational practices. Sustainability is the one key factor behind the reasons, which are deploying the feelings of changes in the organization. It is important to achieve success but it is more important to preserve the success (Jeston and Nelis 2014). CSR and need to change are perhaps the two most important factors, which are influencing the behaviours of managers and the respective organizations across the globe. It is hard to find a single multinational company, which is not concerned for the required pressures. The globalization age has brought about rapid changes in the organizational practices. It has forced organizations for considering the required changes in their existing practices. Nevertheless, organizations are going for CSR related approaches just to mould more customers towards their favour. Moreover, organizations are considering rapid changes in numerous of its departments such as production management, supply chain and technological advancement. These are some of the factors, which have forced the organizations in selecting the change management process in the organizations. Reference Alvesson, M. and Willmott, H., 2012.Making sense of management: A critical introduction. Sage. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Drori, G.S., Hllerer, M.A. and Walgenbach, P. eds., 2013.Global themes and local variations in organization and management: Perspectives on glocalization. Routledge. Fayol, H., 2016.General and industrial management. Ravenio Books. Hatch, M.J. and Cunliffe, A.L., 2013.Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014.Business process management. Routledge. Miles, J.A., 2012.Management and organization theory: A Jossey-Bass reader(Vol. 9). John Wiley Sons. Mintzberg, H., 2012. Developing naturally: From management to organization to society to selves.The handbook for teaching leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Rice, A.L., 2013.The enterprise and its environment: A system theory of management organization(Vol. 10). Routledge.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Approaches for generating and evaluating product - Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Approaches for generating and evaluating the product. Answer: Working with the team The aim of the team is to present the e-commerce strategy for Apparel Brands Pty Ltd with an initial budget of $30,000 in order to sustain in the competitive market by expanding the business, increasing the customer base thereby, generating more revenue. The objective is to develop an online store and maximize their market share. Determining value proposition The e-commerce venture is a new expansion for Apparel Brands Pty Ltd in order to maximise their market share and become a trendsetter for the Australian market. As commented by Urde and Koch (2014), targeting the group of customers allows the business organizations to decide the population to whom products will be sold. For Apparel Brand Pty Ltd, the target customers for the e-commerce venture will be university and office goers along with the children and kids. These target customers were selected because the Australian population is largely dominated by international students and employees that require casual clothing for attending university and work. Based on the target market income, the company aim towards implementing penetration pricing strategy. Initially, the price of the clothing will range $15-$20 but will be increased later. The benefits of the products include cotton material, average priced and the customers will also be able to customize their clothing products. Determining the target market The target market is defined as the people, to whom the business organizations sell their maximum product thereby, ensuring business expansion and revenue or profit generation (Lei Moon, 2015). The business organizations tend to develop products based on the needs, demands, expectations and financial situation of the target customers. Targeting a particular group and manufacturing products from them for selling is a marketing approach to maximising sales by increasing the customer base. Thus, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd has selected the individuals attending universities and regular offices are the target customers. The characteristics of the target customers include causal, comfortable, trendy yet professional clothing that is easy to wear and carry daily. The characteristics of the target customers include casual and trendy that can combat the latest clothing trend globally along with providing an opportunity of using trendy clothing. The target customer desires to be casually trendy at affordable prices and high quality (Marchi et al., 2014). Gathering relevant information for setting up venture Adequate information is the key that determines the success of the business organizations. Thus, it is essential for the business organizations to gather required and relevant information before setting up a new venture. Apparel Brand Pty Ltd has been selling their products in the Australian market since 1901. The company is aware of the demands and expectation of the customers about clothing over the years. However, in order to set up the e-commerce venture, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to collect relevant information about the present Australian market by analysing the Australian market and determining the need for the business venture. This can be done by conducting surveys and interviewing the population. Additionally, relevant information can also be gathered by conducting an internal and external analysis of organization and the business environment (Akpoyomare, Adeosun Ganiyu, 2013). Consulting benefits from other expertise There are potential risks and challenges associated while initiating a new venture. This is because there are previously existing competitors that are well established and play to their strengths. Thus, consulting with an expertise provides an opportunity to assess the potential risks and mitigate them. One of the benefits of consulting other expertise includes identifying the potential risks and being prepared. Additionally, the consultants will also help the team in developing strategies for mitigating and resolving the risks. On the other hand, consulting an expert also provides an opportunity for the team to stop unnecessary financial expenses due to lack of in-depth planning. Moreover, consulting an expert will also allow the team members to gather relevant and adequate knowledge about the industry and new business venture and develop business strategies accordingly. Consulting an expert also emphasizes in improving the quality of products and services that will be offered by th e company in the new venture to the target customers (Bjomer, 2013). Steps for setting e-commerce venture Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to analyse and evaluate potential steps that are essential for setting up e-commerce venture. E-commerce provides an opportunity for the business organizations to conduct business electronically on the internet. As Apparel Brand Pty Ltd in new to the e-commerce venture, it is essential for them to undertake appropriate steps for setting up the business. Firstly, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to design user-friendly official design. This will provide an opportunity for the customers to access the products and relevant information on the website easily and without any technical issues (Ozturk, Joiner Cavusgil, 2015). On the other hand, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to ensure effective payment gateway system. This is because of e-commerce influences transaction electronically that needs security. Thus, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to ensure effective and tight payment gateway and security in order to prevent the leakage of customer information. Additionally, it i s also important for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd to develop appropriate web search engines, as this will lead the target customers to their products directly by mitigating hindrances (Sarker Begum, 2013). Determining benefits to Apparel Brands Apparel Brand Pty Ltd will be highly benefitted by venturing into e-commerce. This is because the company will be able to communicate with the customers directly thereby, saving the intermediate cost of suppliers and retailers. Moreover, the company will also be able to the customers' demand and expectations better and develop business strategies accordingly (Khan, 2013). On the other hand, establishing e-commerce will also provide an opportunity for convenient shopping for the target customers of Apparel Brand Pty Ltd. As a result, the company will be able to provide an exquisite shopping experience to the customers thereby, maximizing their customer base. Thus, customer maximization will help in increment of market share for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd. This is because the company will be able to develop their own brands and products and sell to the target customers directly as well as reduces distribution cost for the company thereby, increasing the profit margins (Chowdhury, 2013). Determining cost It is essential for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd to determine the cost of the new e-commerce, as it provides an opportunity for the company to plan their resources wisely and accordingly. Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to be aware initially in the e-commerce venture. This will help in determining the average cost that is required for setting up the e-commerce venture successfully (Winston Weinstein, 2016). Additionally, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd can also evaluate and analyse the costing of the other clothing online companies and strategise their cost. This allows the business organizations to implement changes that are feasible for their business. E-commerce for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd tend to involve limitation in packages, transaction fees, annual revenue limitation, set up fee, storage allowance, and support fees. Additionally, Apparel Brand Pty Ltd also needs to determine the material cost that is essential for setting up the e-commerce clothing business. Team meeting preparation Achievement of the team After determining the value proposition and target market for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd e-commerce venture, it is essential for the team to ensure mutual coordination in order to achieve the goals. Additionally, the team members need to strike a balance among them by sharing ideas and risks. The aforementioned qualities among the team members will help in proper functioning of the team members by building trust and relationship among them. However, the team members have failed to meet the organizational and team goals. For instance, the team members have failed to complete jobs within the deadline (Jennings Stahl-Wert, 2016). Thus, it is essential for the management team of Apparel Brand Pty Ltd to ensure that the team members achieve their tasks within the deadline and sustain in the competitive market. Addressing the issue The team encountered some issues while achieving the goal of setting up an online business that provides an opportunity for the customers to customize their own t-shirt that hindered the progress of the team progress. Nevertheless, the team was able to cope up with the encountered issues partially and completely. The major issue identified by the team was deadline issue. As commented by Parolia et al., (2015), it is essential for the business organization to complete the task within the deadline for meeting up the customer expectation and compete in the market. Thus, the team needs to ensure that they complete their job roles and responsibilities within the time in order to ensure successful e-commerce venture. Resolving team issues The deadline issue identified by the team members is a major issue identified by the team members that need to be resolved effectively for successful e-commerce venture by Apparel Brand Pty Ltd. The managers of Apparel Brand Pty Ltd need to develop strategies for overcoming the identified issues and guiding them towards success. Firstly, the managers need to help the team members in clarifying their job roles and responsibilities. Having a clear idea will help the team members to work without being confused (Deshpande et al., 2013). After, having a clear idea of the goal, the team members can create short-term goals and break down their tasks. This will help the team members to complete the short-term goals with easy steps. Thus, achieving the short-term goals will motivate the team members and push them to work harder to achieve the ultimate goal (Wegner Teubel, 2014). Additionally, the managers can ensure a daily follow-up from the team members in order to keep track of the work t hat has been completed and work that needs to be completed. Developing the aim of the meeting It is essential to have an agenda of the meeting, as this helps in providing a brief overview of the topic of discussion and allows the people attending the meeting to come prepared. As mentioned by Jeston and Nelis (2014), having a meeting agenda helps in formulating strategies in order to mitigate the currently identified issues. Having an agenda for the meeting provides an opportunity for the team members to share their issues and develop strategies for overcoming them. Thus, the deadline issue needs to be the agenda of the meeting that will help in understanding the main reason for deadline miss by the team members. Moreover, having a meeting agenda highlights a more comprehensive manner of resolving issues and planning better for achieving the organizational goals and objectives. The team members are able to share their ideas and viewpoints in relation to the meeting agenda for resolving the issues (Sekaran Bougie, 2016). Taking note of solutions and issues The current deadline issue encountered by Apparel Brand Pty Ltd is a threat for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd, as the organization is unable to achieve the goal of setting up the e-commerce within the estimated time. The issue is increasing as the team members are lacking coordination and cooperation among them that is hampering those achieving tasks within a deadline. The team members working on setting the e-commerce for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd needs to complete tasks within the deadline, as it is essential for the company to establish them in the Australian market and sustain success. Taking notes of the solutions of the identified issues will help the team members to consider them while working and completing tasks within the deadline (Drucker, 2017). Team meeting participation Encouraging team members Motivation is significant in encouraging the team members to work effectively and achieve their goals. As commented by Tseng and Yeh (2013), individuals can be motivated by both monetary and non-monetary factors. For example, the feedback provided by the managers to the individual team members upon fulfilling their roles and responsibilities helps in encouraging the team members to perform even better. The team members develop the urge to perform better by completing their tasks within deadline due to the encouraging feedback received from the managers. Asking questions in the meeting Asking questions while attending meetings highlights active participation from the team members. It is considered as one of the active learning methods in the professional career (Mayer et al., 2013). Asking questions while attending meetings provides an opportunity for each of the individuals to share their ideas as well as clarify their doubts. The experience gathered in the team meeting allows the team members to acquire knowledge for mitigating their individual drawbacks and methods of mitigating them. On the other hand, asking questions in team meeting also enables the individual team members to improve their existing knowledge (Bens, 2017). Thus, the team members associated with launching the e-commerce for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd can improve their existing knowledge by actively participating in the team meeting and ask questions. Strategies for resolving team issues Issues are evident while working as a part of a team, as it consists of different individuals with their significant individuality. Thus, it is essential for the managers to mitigate the issues that team members identify while working together. The managers can use a theoretical framework such as Belbins team roles for mitigating team issues. Using this model will provide an opportunity to divide the tasks to the team members according to their strengths and mitigate the issues. In this case, the roles are divided to the team members according to their ability to perform them. As a result, it is easier to understand the attitude of the team members and work together (Batenburg, Van Walbeek In Der Maur, 2013). Recognizing performance related problems and developing solution Ineffective performance is the major issue identified by the team members responsible for opening the e-commerce for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd. Ineffective performance of the team members prohibited them in achieving tasks within deadline thereby, hampering the initiation of the e-commerce start-up. Upon identification, it is necessary to mitigate the issue. This can be done by providing regular training to the team members and deriving the best out of them. Training the team members will make them able to perform their task on time and achieve them successfully (Kwon, Clarke Wodak, 2014). Issues to be resolved The identified issue can be resolved by ensuring verbal communication among the team members. This will help in building coordination among the team members and share their ideas. For example, giving a particular topic and asking the team members to share their opinions and viewpoints. Arranging some debates will provide an opportunity for the team members to ensure coordination and effective communication thereby, improving their verbal and non-verbal communication (Schymanski et al., 2014). Issues related to team performance It is evident that working together as a team gives rise to issues, as individuals with distinctive personality and characteristics form a team. Thus, it is essential for the managers to resolving performance related issues within the team. After analysing the current situation of Apparel Brand Pty Ltd, coordination among the team members is a most prevalent issue that is hampering them in achieving the organizational goals and achievements. Lack of coordination among the team members affects the organizational performance thereby, hampering the sales and productivity of the organization (Barun et al., 2013). Lack of coordination among the team members starting the e-commerce for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd is hampering the start-up of the online venture and affecting the market share of the brand in the Australian market. Strategies for enhancing team performance Feedback and suggestion from managers It is essential for the managers to improve the performance of the team in order to enhance the organizational performance. Thus, advice from the managers can help the team members to improve their performance. The managers can motivate the team members that will help in engaging them and make them dedicated towards their job roles and responsibilities. Additionally, daily communication between the team members and the managers allows the individuals to be on track and remain focused. Effective communication between the managers and the team members also provides an opportunity for the individual team members to clarify their doubts and get appropriate guidance thereby, ensuring employee efficiency (Gong et al., 2013). Recommendations to the team members Apart from the manager, the team members also need to have the willingness to identify their drawbacks and work towards improving them. As commented by Schippers, Homan and Knippenberg (2013), the individuals must not afraid to delegate. Being afraid prevents the team members from clarifying their doubts thereby, hampering their efficiency. Thus, delegating without being afraid provides an opportunity for the team members to improve their coordination. Additionally, it is essential for the team members to remain focused in order to improve their efficiency. On the other hand, the team members also need to consider the suggestions from the managers, as they have a better understanding of their capabilities and abilities. The team members also need to attend training sessions regularly in order to improve their efficiency. Strategies for resolving issues in team performance Information provided by the team members about the managers Yes What was the information? The candidates regarding the managers provided information. From the information provided by the managers highlighted that the managers wanted to establish a team that ensures mutual support and cooperation. Successful development of a team that highlights mutual coordination and support will allow the team member to achieve organizational goals and objectives. This will help in building trust and support among the team members and provide support to each other. Additionally, development of a team that highlights mutual support will also enable the team members to have each others back. The individual team members can use their strengths to complete the given tasks and mitigate the impact of the weakness of other team members without any potential conflicts. Did the candidate help you to achieve goals by overcoming issues with achieving activities on performance plan? Yes Describe how: Training and development sessions are suggested in overcoming the identified issues. Training and development will provide an opportunity for the team members to identify their weakness and work on it or improvement. Training and development sessions will teach the team members to work together by ensuring effective coordination. The training and development session will act as a learning session of the team members in which the individuals have an opportunity clarify their doubts and improve them. On the other hand, effective communication among the team members will also provide an opportunity for the team members to improve them. Thus, effective communication will help in ensuring establishing respect, relationship and trust among the team members. Table 1: Strategies for resolving issues in team performance (Source: Author) Discussing open communication process Communication is the key that determines success by ensuring coordination and cooperation. As commented by Walczak et al., (2014), effective communication ensures the clear flow of information within the business organizations and the individuals. This provides an opportunity for the team members to be on the same page by ensuring that each individual has clear idea of individual progress and others progress. In spite of being simple, it is difficult to maintain effective communication, as the associated individuals might lack interest. Both verbal and non-verbal communication can be used as open communication between the managers and the employees. This will ensure the clear flow of information thereby, allowing the managers and the individual team members to track the progress and status of the organizational goals and objectives. Explaining methods of maintaining open communication Open communication can be ensured by incorporating the use of information technology. The use of information technology will provide an opportunity for maintaining effective open communication by ensuring virus free exchange of emails and electronic communication (Guzzi et al., 2013). The managers need to motivate the team members to use electronic communication between various departments associated with e-commerce start-up for Apparel Brand Pty Ltd. This will help in keeping official records of the communication thereby, keeping track of the progress of work. Moreover, effective open communication can also be established through information technology between the managers and the team members. The use of official portals can also be used by the business organizations to ensure effective open communication. Explaining team performance evolution Group behaviour plays a significant role in building proper understanding among the team members. The cooperative behaviour of the team members helps in creating bonding and support among each other by effective leadership skills. Effective cooperation among the team members helps in delegating tasks and combat with the existing risks equally. The team performance gradually evolves by effective cooperation and coordination. This will provide an opportunity for the team members to use individual strengths and cover the weakness of the individuals thereby ensuring effective team performance. Due to each other support and cooperation, achieving the team objectives and goals become easy. 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Industry Research Project The Starving Travellers
Question: Describe about the Industry Research Project for The Starving Travellers. Answer: Report title Industry Research project Industry partner KFC Australia Brief history Around 1930, Harland Sanders, in his 40s, began to cook for the starving travellers who used to stop by for gas, near a station in Corbin, Kentucky. Serving them with his signature southern-style fried chicken. As word-of-mouth spread far and wide and his fame began to increase, people began to travel from distant places only to have some plate of his food (Success Story, 2016). The next nine years, Sanders spent in perfecting his secret seasoning which is a blend of 11 herbs and spices and is the base of the cooking technique that is still in use today. In the year 2015, more than 18,000 KFC outlets are spread in and around 115 countries and territories across the globe (Success Story, 2016). KFC Australia KFC started its business in Australia in and around 1968. The first store was open to the public in Guilford, Sydney NSW, employing only 25 people. During the 1970s, 70 more outlets came up. It had a greater impact on the chicken production, which then improved by around 38 percent during that time. By the year 1995, there were about 452 outlets approximately, and the company hired 12,000 more staff (KFC, 2016). From there, now KFC serves about over 2 million happy customers every week. It now has over 600 stores across the continent. For this reason, KFC is stated as one of the biggest food chains in the continent. KFC Australia owns about 160 stores and operates them whereas the rest of the stores are maintained by their communities and franchises. Now they employ around 30,000 people (KFC, 2016). Overarching problem The main problem/s faced by the biggest fast food chain still remains to be hygiene and allergen issues. The Villawood outlet near Sydney has also a record of food poisoning. Case studies and taking a cue from the past few years records, it seems to be that hygiene and allergen issues remain to be the top concern for the global fast food chain. It is quite important to solve this issue as it is ruining the reputation of the brand and creating a negative impact on people (LUTZ, 2015). Overarching research aims The research would aim at studying the various case studies and relevant reasons that are acting against the reputation of the international fast food chain. Research question/s The main research question/s for the said study that will guide it further are: Why is even a reputed eatery chain facing such a situation? What are the main reasons for it? How do they tackle charges against them (SINICKI, 2016)? What are the steps taken by them to ensure the quality and safety standards? How do they handle competition? How do they adapt themselves to the changing business environment around them and does this affect their business (SINICKI, 2016)? Data needs Data requirement for the said study will include interactions with the people in charge, surveys, interviews, and a few case studies (SINICKI, 2016). Literature review: keywords used for literature search Keywords that will/ can be used for literature review are: KFC, KFC Australia, Problems faced by KFC Australia, case studies, SWOT analysis in strengthening its position/brand value, quality and safety measures by KFC etc. Literature review: 2 relevant articles LUTZ, A. (2015). KFC has one huge problem that's killing business. [online] Business Insider Australia. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/kfc-sales-in-china-are-tanking-2015-7 [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. SINICKI, A. (2016). Do KFC Really Use Genetically Altered Chicken?. [online] Health Guidance. Available at: https://www.healthguidance.org/entry/17001/1/Do-KFC-Really-Use-Genetically-Altered-Chicken.html [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. References KFC. (2016).ABOUT KFC AUSTRALIA. [online] Available at: https://www.kfc.com.au/kfc-australia.aspx [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. LUTZ, A. (2015).KFC has one huge problem that's killing business. [online] Business Insider Australia. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/kfc-sales-in-china-are-tanking-2015-7 [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. SINICKI, A. (2016).Do KFC Really Use Genetically Altered Chicken?. [online] Health Guidance. Available at: https://www.healthguidance.org/entry/17001/1/Do-KFC-Really-Use-Genetically-Altered-Chicken.html [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. Success Story. (2016).Kentucky Fried Chicken Success Story. [online] Available at: https://successstory.com/companies/kentucky-fried-chicken [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016].
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